Package 'scoringutils'

Title: Utilities for Scoring and Assessing Predictions
Description: scoringutils facilitates the evaluation of forecasts in a convenient framework based on data.table. It allows user to to check their forecasts and diagnose issues, to visualise forecasts and missing data, to transform data before scoring, to handle missing forecasts, to aggregate scores, and to visualise the results of the evaluation. The package mostly focuses on the evaluation of probabilistic forecasts and allows evaluating several different forecast types and input formats. Find more information about the package in the Vignettes as well as in the accompanying paper, <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2205.07090>.
Authors: Nikos Bosse [aut, cre] , Sam Abbott [aut] , Hugo Gruson [aut] , Johannes Bracher [ctb] , Toshiaki Asakura [ctb] , James Mba Azam [ctb] , Sebastian Funk [aut], Michael Chirico [ctb]
Maintainer: Nikos Bosse <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2024-10-22 08:23:36 UTC

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Add relative skill scores based on pairwise comparisons


Adds a columns with relative skills computed by running pairwise comparisons on the scores. For more information on the computation of relative skill, see get_pairwise_comparisons(). Relative skill will be calculated for the aggregation level specified in by.


  compare = "model",
  by = NULL,
  metric = intersect(c("wis", "crps", "brier_score"), names(scores)),
  baseline = NULL



An object of class scores (a data.table with scores and an additional attribute metrics as produced by score()).


Character vector with a single colum name that defines the elements for the pairwise comparison. For example, if this is set to "model" (the default), then elements of the "model" column will be compared.


Character vector with column names that define further grouping levels for the pairwise comparisons. By default this is NULL and there will be one relative skill score per distinct entry of the column selected in compare. If further columns are given here, for example, by = "location" with compare = "model", then one separate relative skill score is calculated for every model in every location.


A string with the name of the metric for which a relative skill shall be computed. By default this is either "crps", "wis" or "brier_score" if any of these are available.


A string with the name of a model. If a baseline is given, then a scaled relative skill with respect to the baseline will be returned. By default (NULL), relative skill will not be scaled with respect to a baseline model.

Absolute error of the median (quantile-based version)


Compute the absolute error of the median calculated as

abs(observedmedian prediction)\textrm{abs}(\textrm{observed} - \textrm{median prediction})

The median prediction is the predicted value for which quantile_level == 0.5, the function therefore requires 0.5 to be among the quantile levels in quantile_level.


ae_median_quantile(observed, predicted, quantile_level)



Numeric vector of size n with the observed values.


Numeric nxN matrix of predictive quantiles, n (number of rows) being the number of forecasts (corresponding to the number of observed values) and N (number of columns) the number of quantiles per forecast. If observed is just a single number, then predicted can just be a vector of size N.


Vector of of size N with the quantile levels for which predictions were made.


Numeric vector of length N with the absolute error of the median.

Input format


See Also



observed <- rnorm(30, mean = 1:30)
predicted_values <- replicate(3, rnorm(30, mean = 1:30))
  observed, predicted_values, quantile_level = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8)

Absolute error of the median (sample-based version)


Absolute error of the median calculated as

abs(observevdmedian_prediction)% \textrm{abs}(\textrm{observevd} - \textrm{median\_prediction})


ae_median_sample(observed, predicted)



A vector with observed values of size n


nxN matrix of predictive samples, n (number of rows) being the number of data points and N (number of columns) the number of Monte Carlo samples. Alternatively, predicted can just be a vector of size n.


vector with the scoring values

Input format


See Also



observed <- rnorm(30, mean = 1:30)
predicted_values <- matrix(rnorm(30, mean = 1:30))
ae_median_sample(observed, predicted_values)

General information on creating a forecast object


There are several ⁠as_forecast_<type>()⁠ functions to process and validate a data.frame (or similar) or similar with forecasts and observations. If the input passes all input checks, those functions will be converted to a forecast object. A forecast object is a data.table with a class forecast and an additional class that depends on the forecast type. Every forecast type has its own ⁠as_forecast_<type>()⁠ function. See the details section below for more information on the expected input formats.

The ⁠as_forecast_<type>()⁠ functions give users some control over how their data is parsed. Using the arguments observed, predicted, etc. users can rename existing columns of their input data to match the required columns for a forecast object. Using the argument forecast_unit, users can specify the the columns that uniquely identify a single forecast (and remove the others, see docs for the internal set_forecast_unit() for details).

The following functions are available:



A data.frame (or similar) with predicted and observed values. See the details section of as_forecast() for additional information on required input formats.


(optional) Name of the columns in data (after any renaming of columns) that denote the unit of a single forecast. See get_forecast_unit() for details. If NULL (the default), all columns that are not required columns are assumed to form the unit of a single forecast. If specified, all columns that are not part of the forecast unit (or required columns) will be removed.


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the observed values. This column will be renamed to "observed".


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the predicted values. This column will be renamed to "predicted".


Depending on the forecast type, an object of the following class will be returned:

  • forecast_binary for binary forecasts

  • forecast_point for point forecasts

  • forecast_sample for sample-based forecasts

  • forecast_quantile for quantile-based forecasts

Forecast types and input formats

Various different forecast types / forecast formats are supported. At the moment, those are:

  • point forecasts

  • binary forecasts ("soft binary classification")

  • nominal forecasts ("soft classification with multiple unordered classes")

  • Probabilistic forecasts in a quantile-based format (a forecast is represented as a set of predictive quantiles)

  • Probabilistic forecasts in a sample-based format (a forecast is represented as a set of predictive samples)

Forecast types are determined based on the columns present in the input data. Here is an overview of the required format for each forecast type:


All forecast types require a data.frame or similar with columns observed predicted, and model.

Point forecasts require a column observed of type numeric and a column predicted of type numeric.

Binary forecasts require a column observed of type factor with exactly two levels and a column predicted of type numeric with probabilities, corresponding to the probability that observed is equal to the second factor level. See details here for more information.

Nominal forecasts require a column observed of type factor with N levels, (where N is the number of possible outcomes), a column predicted of type numeric with probabilities (which sum to one across all possible outcomes), and a column predicted_label of type factor with N levels, denoting the outcome for which a probability is given. Forecasts must be complete, i.e. there must be a probability assigned to every possible outcome.

Quantile-based forecasts require a column observed of type numeric, a column predicted of type numeric, and a column quantile_level of type numeric with quantile-levels (between 0 and 1).

Sample-based forecasts require a column observed of type numeric, a column predicted of type numeric, and a column sample_id of type numeric with sample indices.

For more information see the vignettes and the example data (example_quantile, example_sample_continuous, example_sample_discrete, example_point(), example_binary, and example_nominal).

Forecast unit

In order to score forecasts, scoringutils needs to know which of the rows of the data belong together and jointly form a single forecasts. This is easy e.g. for point forecast, where there is one row per forecast. For quantile or sample-based forecasts, however, there are multiple rows that belong to a single forecast.

The forecast unit or unit of a single forecast is then described by the combination of columns that uniquely identify a single forecast. For example, we could have forecasts made by different models in various locations at different time points, each for several weeks into the future. The forecast unit could then be described as forecast_unit = c("model", "location", "forecast_date", "forecast_horizon"). scoringutils automatically tries to determine the unit of a single forecast. It uses all existing columns for this, which means that no columns must be present that are unrelated to the forecast unit. As a very simplistic example, if you had an additional row, "even", that is one if the row number is even and zero otherwise, then this would mess up scoring as scoringutils then thinks that this column was relevant in defining the forecast unit.

In order to avoid issues, we recommend setting the forecast unit explicitly, usually through the forecast_unit argument in the as_forecast() functions. This will drop unneeded columns, while making sure that all necessary, 'protected columns' like "predicted" or "observed" are retained.

See Also

Other functions to create forecast objects: as_forecast_binary(), as_forecast_nominal(), as_forecast_point(), as_forecast_quantile(), as_forecast_sample()


  forecast_unit = c("model", "target_type", "target_end_date",
                    "horizon", "location")

Create a forecast object for binary forecasts


Create a forecast object for binary forecasts. See more information on forecast types and expected input formats by calling ⁠?⁠as_forecast().


  forecast_unit = NULL,
  observed = NULL,
  predicted = NULL



A data.frame (or similar) with predicted and observed values. See the details section of as_forecast() for additional information on required input formats.


(optional) Name of the columns in data (after any renaming of columns) that denote the unit of a single forecast. See get_forecast_unit() for details. If NULL (the default), all columns that are not required columns are assumed to form the unit of a single forecast. If specified, all columns that are not part of the forecast unit (or required columns) will be removed.


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the observed values. This column will be renamed to "observed".


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the predicted values. This column will be renamed to "predicted".

See Also

Other functions to create forecast objects: as_forecast, as_forecast_nominal(), as_forecast_point(), as_forecast_quantile(), as_forecast_sample()

Common functionality for ⁠as_forecast_<type>⁠ functions


Common functionality for ⁠as_forecast_<type>⁠ functions


  forecast_unit = NULL,
  observed = NULL,
  predicted = NULL



A data.frame (or similar) with predicted and observed values. See the details section of as_forecast() for additional information on required input formats.


(optional) Name of the columns in data (after any renaming of columns) that denote the unit of a single forecast. See get_forecast_unit() for details. If NULL (the default), all columns that are not required columns are assumed to form the unit of a single forecast. If specified, all columns that are not part of the forecast unit (or required columns) will be removed.


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the observed values. This column will be renamed to "observed".


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the predicted values. This column will be renamed to "predicted".


This function splits out part of the functionality of ⁠as_forecast_<type>⁠ that is the same for all ⁠as_forecast_<type>⁠ functions. It renames the required columns, where appropriate, and sets the forecast unit.

Create a forecast object for nominal forecasts


Nominal forecasts are a form of categorical forecasts where the possible outcomes that the observed values can assume are not ordered. In that sense, Nominal forecasts represent a generalisation of binary forecasts.


  forecast_unit = NULL,
  observed = NULL,
  predicted = NULL,
  predicted_label = NULL



A data.frame (or similar) with predicted and observed values. See the details section of as_forecast() for additional information on required input formats.


(optional) Name of the columns in data (after any renaming of columns) that denote the unit of a single forecast. See get_forecast_unit() for details. If NULL (the default), all columns that are not required columns are assumed to form the unit of a single forecast. If specified, all columns that are not part of the forecast unit (or required columns) will be removed.


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the observed values. This column will be renamed to "observed".


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the predicted values. This column will be renamed to "predicted".


(optional) Name of the column in data that denotes the outcome to which a predicted probability corresponds to. This column will be renamed to "predicted_label". Only applicable to nominal forecasts.

See Also

Other functions to create forecast objects: as_forecast, as_forecast_binary(), as_forecast_point(), as_forecast_quantile(), as_forecast_sample()

Create a forecast object for point forecasts


Create a forecast object for point forecasts. See more information on forecast types and expected input formats by calling ⁠?⁠as_forecast().

When converting a forecast_quantile object into a forecast_point object, the 0.5 quantile is extracted and returned as the point forecast.


as_forecast_point(data, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  forecast_unit = NULL,
  observed = NULL,
  predicted = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'forecast_quantile'
as_forecast_point(data, ...)



A data.frame (or similar) with predicted and observed values. See the details section of as_forecast() for additional information on required input formats.




(optional) Name of the columns in data (after any renaming of columns) that denote the unit of a single forecast. See get_forecast_unit() for details. If NULL (the default), all columns that are not required columns are assumed to form the unit of a single forecast. If specified, all columns that are not part of the forecast unit (or required columns) will be removed.


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the observed values. This column will be renamed to "observed".


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the predicted values. This column will be renamed to "predicted".

See Also

Other functions to create forecast objects: as_forecast, as_forecast_binary(), as_forecast_nominal(), as_forecast_quantile(), as_forecast_sample()

Create a forecast object for quantile-based forecasts


Create a forecast object for quantile-based forecasts. See more information on forecast types and expected input formats by calling ⁠?⁠as_forecast().

When creating a forecast_quantile object from a forecast_sample object, the quantiles are estimated by computing empircal quantiles from the samples via quantile(). Note that empirical quantiles are a biased estimator for the true quantiles in particular in the tails of the distribution and when the number of available samples is low.


as_forecast_quantile(data, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  forecast_unit = NULL,
  observed = NULL,
  predicted = NULL,
  quantile_level = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'forecast_sample'
  probs = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95),
  type = 7,



A data.frame (or similar) with predicted and observed values. See the details section of as_forecast() for additional information on required input formats.




(optional) Name of the columns in data (after any renaming of columns) that denote the unit of a single forecast. See get_forecast_unit() for details. If NULL (the default), all columns that are not required columns are assumed to form the unit of a single forecast. If specified, all columns that are not part of the forecast unit (or required columns) will be removed.


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the observed values. This column will be renamed to "observed".


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the predicted values. This column will be renamed to "predicted".


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the quantile level of the predicted values. This column will be renamed to "quantile_level". Only applicable to quantile-based forecasts.


A numeric vector of quantile levels for which quantiles will be computed. Corresponds to the probs argument in quantile().


Type argument passed down to the quantile function. For more information, see quantile().

See Also

Other functions to create forecast objects: as_forecast, as_forecast_binary(), as_forecast_nominal(), as_forecast_point(), as_forecast_sample()

Create a forecast object for sample-based forecasts


Create a forecast object for sample-based forecasts


  forecast_unit = NULL,
  observed = NULL,
  predicted = NULL,
  sample_id = NULL



A data.frame (or similar) with predicted and observed values. See the details section of as_forecast() for additional information on required input formats.


(optional) Name of the columns in data (after any renaming of columns) that denote the unit of a single forecast. See get_forecast_unit() for details. If NULL (the default), all columns that are not required columns are assumed to form the unit of a single forecast. If specified, all columns that are not part of the forecast unit (or required columns) will be removed.


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the observed values. This column will be renamed to "observed".


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the predicted values. This column will be renamed to "predicted".


(optional) Name of the column in data that contains the sample id. This column will be renamed to "sample_id". Only applicable to sample-based forecasts.

See Also

Other functions to create forecast objects: as_forecast, as_forecast_binary(), as_forecast_nominal(), as_forecast_point(), as_forecast_quantile()

Assert Inputs Have Matching Dimensions


Function assesses whether input dimensions match. In the following, n is the number of observations / forecasts. Scalar values may be repeated to match the length of the other input. Allowed options are therefore:

  • observed is vector of length 1 or length n

  • predicted is:

    • a vector of of length 1 or length n

    • a matrix with n rows and 1 column


assert_dims_ok_point(observed, predicted)



Input to be checked. Should be a factor of length n with exactly two levels, holding the observed values. The highest factor level is assumed to be the reference level. This means that predicted represents the probability that the observed value is equal to the highest factor level.


Input to be checked. predicted should be a vector of length n, holding probabilities. Alternatively, predicted can be a matrix of size n x 1. Values represent the probability that the corresponding value in observed will be equal to the highest available factor level.


Returns NULL invisibly if the assertion was successful and throws an error otherwise.

Validation common to all forecast types


The function runs input checks that apply to all input data, regardless of forecast type. The function

  • asserts that the forecast is a data.table which has columns observed and predicted

  • checks the forecast type and forecast unit

  • checks there are no duplicate forecasts

  • if appropriate, checks the number of samples / quantiles is the same for all forecasts.


assert_forecast_generic(data, verbose = TRUE)



A data.table with forecasts and observed values that should be validated.


Logical. If FALSE (default is TRUE), no messages and warnings will be created.


returns the input

Assert that forecast type is as expected


Assert that forecast type is as expected


assert_forecast_type(data, actual = get_forecast_type(data), desired = NULL)



A forecast object (see as_forecast()).


The actual forecast type of the data


The desired forecast type of the data


Returns NULL invisibly if the assertion was successful and throws an error otherwise.

Assert that input is a forecast object and passes validations


Assert that an object is a forecast object (i.e. a data.table with a class forecast and an additional class ⁠forecast_*⁠ corresponding to the forecast type).


## S3 method for class 'forecast_binary'
assert_forecast(forecast, forecast_type = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'forecast_point'
assert_forecast(forecast, forecast_type = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'forecast_quantile'
assert_forecast(forecast, forecast_type = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'forecast_sample'
assert_forecast(forecast, forecast_type = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)

assert_forecast(forecast, forecast_type = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## Default S3 method:
assert_forecast(forecast, forecast_type = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)



A forecast object (a validated data.table with predicted and observed values, see as_forecast()).


(optional) The forecast type you expect the forecasts to have. If the forecast type as determined by scoringutils based on the input does not match this, an error will be thrown. If NULL (the default), the forecast type will be inferred from the data.


Logical. If FALSE (default is TRUE), no messages and warnings will be created.


Currently unused. You cannot pass additional arguments to scoring functions via .... See the Customising metrics section below for details on how to use purrr::partial() to pass arguments to individual metrics.


Returns NULL invisibly.

Forecast types and input formats

Various different forecast types / forecast formats are supported. At the moment, those are:

  • point forecasts

  • binary forecasts ("soft binary classification")

  • nominal forecasts ("soft classification with multiple unordered classes")

  • Probabilistic forecasts in a quantile-based format (a forecast is represented as a set of predictive quantiles)

  • Probabilistic forecasts in a sample-based format (a forecast is represented as a set of predictive samples)

Forecast types are determined based on the columns present in the input data. Here is an overview of the required format for each forecast type:


All forecast types require a data.frame or similar with columns observed predicted, and model.

Point forecasts require a column observed of type numeric and a column predicted of type numeric.

Binary forecasts require a column observed of type factor with exactly two levels and a column predicted of type numeric with probabilities, corresponding to the probability that observed is equal to the second factor level. See details here for more information.

Nominal forecasts require a column observed of type factor with N levels, (where N is the number of possible outcomes), a column predicted of type numeric with probabilities (which sum to one across all possible outcomes), and a column predicted_label of type factor with N levels, denoting the outcome for which a probability is given. Forecasts must be complete, i.e. there must be a probability assigned to every possible outcome.

Quantile-based forecasts require a column observed of type numeric, a column predicted of type numeric, and a column quantile_level of type numeric with quantile-levels (between 0 and 1).

Sample-based forecasts require a column observed of type numeric, a column predicted of type numeric, and a column sample_id of type numeric with sample indices.

For more information see the vignettes and the example data (example_quantile, example_sample_continuous, example_sample_discrete, example_point(), example_binary, and example_nominal).


forecast <- as_forecast_binary(example_binary)

Assert that inputs are correct for binary forecast


Function assesses whether the inputs correspond to the requirements for scoring binary forecasts.


assert_input_binary(observed, predicted)



Input to be checked. Should be a factor of length n with exactly two levels, holding the observed values. The highest factor level is assumed to be the reference level. This means that predicted represents the probability that the observed value is equal to the highest factor level.


Input to be checked. predicted should be a vector of length n, holding probabilities. Alternatively, predicted can be a matrix of size n x 1. Values represent the probability that the corresponding value in observed will be equal to the highest available factor level.


Returns NULL invisibly if the assertion was successful and throws an error otherwise.

Assert that inputs are correct for interval-based forecast


Function assesses whether the inputs correspond to the requirements for scoring interval-based forecasts.


assert_input_interval(observed, lower, upper, interval_range)



Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector with the observed values of size n.


Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector of size n that holds the predicted value for the lower bounds of the prediction intervals.


Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector of size n that holds the predicted value for the upper bounds of the prediction intervals.


Input to be checked. Should be a vector of size n that denotes the interval range in percent. E.g. a value of 50 denotes a (25%, 75%) prediction interval.


Returns NULL invisibly if the assertion was successful and throws an error otherwise.

Assert that inputs are correct for nominal forecasts


Function assesses whether the inputs correspond to the requirements for scoring nominal forecasts.


assert_input_nominal(observed, predicted, predicted_label)



Input to be checked. Should be a factor of length n with N levels holding the observed values. n is the number of observations and N is the number of possible outcomes the observed values can assume. output)


Input to be checked. predicted should be a vector of length n, holding probabilities. Alternatively, predicted can be a matrix of size n x 1. Values represent the probability that the corresponding value in observed will be equal to the highest available factor level.


Factor of length N with N levels, where N is the number of possible outcomes the observed values can assume.


Returns NULL invisibly if the assertion was successful and throws an error otherwise.

Assert that inputs are correct for point forecast


Function assesses whether the inputs correspond to the requirements for scoring point forecasts.


assert_input_point(observed, predicted)



Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector with the observed values of size n.


Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector with the predicted values of size n.


Returns NULL invisibly if the assertion was successful and throws an error otherwise.

Assert that inputs are correct for quantile-based forecast


Function assesses whether the inputs correspond to the requirements for scoring quantile-based forecasts.


  unique_quantile_levels = TRUE



Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector with the observed values of size n.


Input to be checked. Should be nxN matrix of predictive quantiles, n (number of rows) being the number of data points and N (number of columns) the number of quantiles per forecast. If observed is just a single number, then predicted can just be a vector of size N.


Input to be checked. Should be a vector of size N that denotes the quantile levels corresponding to the columns of the prediction matrix.


Whether the quantile levels are required to be unique (TRUE, the default) or not (FALSE).


Returns NULL invisibly if the assertion was successful and throws an error otherwise.

Assert that inputs are correct for sample-based forecast


Function assesses whether the inputs correspond to the requirements for scoring sample-based forecasts.


assert_input_sample(observed, predicted)



Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector with the observed values of size n.


Input to be checked. Should be a numeric nxN matrix of predictive samples, n (number of rows) being the number of data points and N (number of columns) the number of samples per forecast. If observed is just a single number, then predicted values can just be a vector of size N.


Returns NULL invisibly if the assertion was successful and throws an error otherwise.

Determines bias of quantile forecasts


Determines bias from quantile forecasts. For an increasing number of quantiles this measure converges against the sample based bias version for integer and continuous forecasts.


bias_quantile(observed, predicted, quantile_level, na.rm = TRUE)



Numeric vector of size n with the observed values.


Numeric nxN matrix of predictive quantiles, n (number of rows) being the number of forecasts (corresponding to the number of observed values) and N (number of columns) the number of quantiles per forecast. If observed is just a single number, then predicted can just be a vector of size N.


Vector of of size N with the quantile levels for which predictions were made. Note that if this does not contain the median (0.5) then the median is imputed as being the mean of the two innermost quantiles.


Logical. Should missing values be removed?


For quantile forecasts, bias is measured as

Bt=(12max{iqt,iQtqt,ixt})1(xtqt,0.5)+(12min{iqt,iQtqt,ixt})1(xtqt,0.5),B_t = (1 - 2 \cdot \max \{i | q_{t,i} \in Q_t \land q_{t,i} \leq x_t\}) \mathbf{1}( x_t \leq q_{t, 0.5}) \\ + (1 - 2 \cdot \min \{i | q_{t,i} \in Q_t \land q_{t,i} \geq x_t\}) 1( x_t \geq q_{t, 0.5}),

where QtQ_t is the set of quantiles that form the predictive distribution at time tt and xtx_t is the observed value. For consistency, we define QtQ_t such that it always includes the element qt,0=q_{t, 0} = - \infty and qt,1=q_{t,1} = \infty. 1()1() is the indicator function that is 11 if the condition is satisfied and 00 otherwise.

In clearer terms, bias BtB_t is:

  • 121 - 2 \cdot the maximum percentile rank for which the corresponding quantile is still smaller than or equal to the observed value, if the observed value is smaller than the median of the predictive distribution.

  • 121 - 2 \cdot the minimum percentile rank for which the corresponding quantile is still larger than or equal to the observed value if the observed value is larger than the median of the predictive distribution..

  • 00 if the observed value is exactly the median (both terms cancel out)

Bias can assume values between -1 and 1 and is 0 ideally (i.e. unbiased).

Note that if the given quantiles do not contain the median, the median is imputed as a linear interpolation of the two innermost quantiles. If the median is not available and cannot be imputed, an error will be thrown. Note that in order to compute bias, quantiles must be non-decreasing with increasing quantile levels.

For a large enough number of quantiles, the percentile rank will equal the proportion of predictive samples below the observed value, and the bias metric coincides with the one for continuous forecasts (see bias_sample()).


scalar with the quantile bias for a single quantile prediction

Input format



predicted <- matrix(c(1.5:23.5, 3.3:25.3), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
quantile_level <- c(0.01, 0.025, seq(0.05, 0.95, 0.05), 0.975, 0.99)
observed <- c(15, 12.4)
bias_quantile(observed, predicted, quantile_level)

Determine bias of forecasts


Determines bias from predictive Monte-Carlo samples. The function automatically recognises whether forecasts are continuous or integer valued and adapts the Bias function accordingly.


bias_sample(observed, predicted)



A vector with observed values of size n


nxN matrix of predictive samples, n (number of rows) being the number of data points and N (number of columns) the number of Monte Carlo samples. Alternatively, predicted can just be a vector of size n.


For continuous forecasts, Bias is measured as

Bt(Pt,xt)=12(Pt(xt))B_t (P_t, x_t) = 1 - 2 * (P_t (x_t))

where PtP_t is the empirical cumulative distribution function of the prediction for the observed value xtx_t. Computationally, Pt(xt)P_t (x_t) is just calculated as the fraction of predictive samples for xtx_t that are smaller than xtx_t.

For integer valued forecasts, Bias is measured as

Bt(Pt,xt)=1(Pt(xt)+Pt(xt+1))B_t (P_t, x_t) = 1 - (P_t (x_t) + P_t (x_t + 1))

to adjust for the integer nature of the forecasts.

In both cases, Bias can assume values between -1 and 1 and is 0 ideally.


Numeric vector of length n with the biases of the predictive samples with respect to the observed values.

Input format



The integer valued Bias function is discussed in Assessing the performance of real-time epidemic forecasts: A case study of Ebola in the Western Area region of Sierra Leone, 2014-15 Funk S, Camacho A, Kucharski AJ, Lowe R, Eggo RM, et al. (2019) Assessing the performance of real-time epidemic forecasts: A case study of Ebola in the Western Area region of Sierra Leone, 2014-15. PLOS Computational Biology 15(2): e1006785. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006785


## integer valued forecasts
observed <- rpois(30, lambda = 1:30)
predicted <- replicate(200, rpois(n = 30, lambda = 1:30))
bias_sample(observed, predicted)

## continuous forecasts
observed <- rnorm(30, mean = 1:30)
predicted <- replicate(200, rnorm(30, mean = 1:30))
bias_sample(observed, predicted)

Check column names are present in a data.frame


The functions loops over the column names and checks whether they are present. If an issue is encountered, the function immediately stops and returns a message with the first issue encountered.


check_columns_present(data, columns)



A data.frame or similar to be checked


A character vector of column names to check


Returns TRUE if the check was successful and a string with an error message otherwise.

Check Inputs Have Matching Dimensions


Function assesses whether input dimensions match. In the following, n is the number of observations / forecasts. Scalar values may be repeated to match the length of the other input. Allowed options are therefore:

  • observed is vector of length 1 or length n

  • predicted is:

    • a vector of of length 1 or length n

    • a matrix with n rows and 1 column


check_dims_ok_point(observed, predicted)



Input to be checked. Should be a factor of length n with exactly two levels, holding the observed values. The highest factor level is assumed to be the reference level. This means that predicted represents the probability that the observed value is equal to the highest factor level.


Input to be checked. predicted should be a vector of length n, holding probabilities. Alternatively, predicted can be a matrix of size n x 1. Values represent the probability that the corresponding value in observed will be equal to the highest available factor level.


Returns TRUE if the check was successful and a string with an error message otherwise.

Check that there are no duplicate forecasts


Runs get_duplicate_forecasts() and returns a message if an issue is encountered





A data.frame (or similar) with predicted and observed values. See the details section of as_forecast() for additional information on required input formats.


Returns TRUE if the check was successful and a string with an error message otherwise.

Check that inputs are correct for binary forecast


Function assesses whether the inputs correspond to the requirements for scoring binary forecasts.


check_input_binary(observed, predicted)



Input to be checked. Should be a factor of length n with exactly two levels, holding the observed values. The highest factor level is assumed to be the reference level. This means that predicted represents the probability that the observed value is equal to the highest factor level.


Input to be checked. predicted should be a vector of length n, holding probabilities. Alternatively, predicted can be a matrix of size n x 1. Values represent the probability that the corresponding value in observed will be equal to the highest available factor level.


Returns TRUE if the check was successful and a string with an error message otherwise.

Check that inputs are correct for interval-based forecast


Function assesses whether the inputs correspond to the requirements for scoring interval-based forecasts.


check_input_interval(observed, lower, upper, interval_range)



Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector with the observed values of size n.


Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector of size n that holds the predicted value for the lower bounds of the prediction intervals.


Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector of size n that holds the predicted value for the upper bounds of the prediction intervals.


Input to be checked. Should be a vector of size n that denotes the interval range in percent. E.g. a value of 50 denotes a (25%, 75%) prediction interval.


Returns TRUE if the check was successful and a string with an error message otherwise.

Check that inputs are correct for point forecast


Function assesses whether the inputs correspond to the requirements for scoring point forecasts.


check_input_point(observed, predicted)



Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector with the observed values of size n.


Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector with the predicted values of size n.


Returns TRUE if the check was successful and a string with an error message otherwise.

Check that inputs are correct for quantile-based forecast


Function assesses whether the inputs correspond to the requirements for scoring quantile-based forecasts.


check_input_quantile(observed, predicted, quantile_level)



Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector with the observed values of size n.


Input to be checked. Should be nxN matrix of predictive quantiles, n (number of rows) being the number of data points and N (number of columns) the number of quantiles per forecast. If observed is just a single number, then predicted can just be a vector of size N.


Input to be checked. Should be a vector of size N that denotes the quantile levels corresponding to the columns of the prediction matrix.


Returns TRUE if the check was successful and a string with an error message otherwise.

Check that inputs are correct for sample-based forecast


Function assesses whether the inputs correspond to the requirements for scoring sample-based forecasts.


check_input_sample(observed, predicted)



Input to be checked. Should be a numeric vector with the observed values of size n.


Input to be checked. Should be a numeric nxN matrix of predictive samples, n (number of rows) being the number of data points and N (number of columns) the number of samples per forecast. If observed is just a single number, then predicted values can just be a vector of size N.


Returns TRUE if the check was successful and a string with an error message otherwise.

Check that all forecasts have the same number of rows


Helper function that checks the number of rows (corresponding e.g to quantiles or samples) per forecast. If the number of quantiles or samples is the same for all forecasts, it returns TRUE and a string with an error message otherwise.


check_number_per_forecast(data, forecast_unit)



A data.frame or similar to be checked


Character vector denoting the unit of a single forecast.


Returns TRUE if the check was successful and a string with an error message otherwise.

Check whether an input is an atomic vector of mode 'numeric'


Helper function to check whether an input is a numeric vector.


check_numeric_vector(x, ...)



input to check


Arguments passed on to checkmate::check_numeric


Lower value all elements of x must be greater than or equal to.


Upper value all elements of x must be lower than or equal to.


Check for only finite values? Default is FALSE.


Are vectors with missing values allowed? Default is TRUE.


Are vectors with no non-missing values allowed? Default is TRUE. Note that empty vectors do not have non-missing values.


Exact expected length of x.


Minimal length of x.


Maximal length of x.


Must all values be unique? Default is FALSE.


Elements must be sorted in ascending order. Missing values are ignored.


Check for names. See checkNamed for possible values. Default is “any” which performs no check at all. Note that you can use checkSubset to check for a specific set of names.


If set to FALSE (default), all types of missing values (NA, NA_integer_, NA_real_, NA_character_ or NA_character_) as well as empty vectors are allowed while type-checking atomic input. Set to TRUE to enable strict type checking.


If set to TRUE, x may also be NULL. In this case only a type check of x is performed, all additional checks are disabled.


Returns TRUE if the check was successful and a string with an error message otherwise.

Helper function to convert assert statements into checks


Tries to execute an expression. Internally, this is used to see whether assertions fail when checking inputs (i.e. to convert an ⁠assert_*()⁠ statement into a check). If the expression fails, the error message is returned. If the expression succeeds, TRUE is returned.





an expression to be evaluated


Returns TRUE if the check was successful and a string with an error message otherwise.

(Continuous) ranked probability score


Wrapper around the crps_sample() function from the scoringRules package. Can be used for continuous as well as integer valued forecasts

The Continuous ranked probability score (CRPS) can be interpreted as the sum of three components: overprediction, underprediction and dispersion. "Dispersion" is defined as the CRPS of the median forecast $m$. If an observation $y$ is greater than $m$ then overpredictoin is defined as the CRPS of the forecast for $y$ minus the dispersion component, and underprediction is zero. If, on the other hand, $y<m$ then underprediction is defined as the CRPS of the forecast for $y$ minus the dispersion component, and overprediction is zero.

The overprediction, underprediction and dispersion components correspond to those of the wis().


crps_sample(observed, predicted, separate_results = FALSE, ...)

dispersion_sample(observed, predicted, ...)

overprediction_sample(observed, predicted, ...)

underprediction_sample(observed, predicted, ...)



A vector with observed values of size n


nxN matrix of predictive samples, n (number of rows) being the number of data points and N (number of columns) the number of Monte Carlo samples. Alternatively, predicted can just be a vector of size n.


Logical. If TRUE (default is FALSE), then the separate parts of the CRPS (dispersion penalty, penalties for over- and under-prediction) get returned as separate elements of a list. If you want a data.frame instead, simply call on the output.


Additional arguments passed on to crps_sample() from functions overprediction_sample(), underprediction_sample() and dispersion_sample().


Vector with scores.

dispersion_sample(): a numeric vector with dispersion values (one per observation).

overprediction_quantile(): a numeric vector with overprediction values (one per observation).

underprediction_quantile(): a numeric vector with underprediction values (one per observation).

Input format



Alexander Jordan, Fabian Krüger, Sebastian Lerch, Evaluating Probabilistic Forecasts with scoringRules,


observed <- rpois(30, lambda = 1:30)
predicted <- replicate(200, rpois(n = 30, lambda = 1:30))
crps_sample(observed, predicted)

Dawid-Sebastiani score


Wrapper around the dss_sample() function from the scoringRules package.


dss_sample(observed, predicted, ...)



A vector with observed values of size n


nxN matrix of predictive samples, n (number of rows) being the number of data points and N (number of columns) the number of Monte Carlo samples. Alternatively, predicted can just be a vector of size n.


Additional arguments passed to dss_sample() from the scoringRules package.


Vector with scores.

Input format



Alexander Jordan, Fabian Krüger, Sebastian Lerch, Evaluating Probabilistic Forecasts with scoringRules,


observed <- rpois(30, lambda = 1:30)
predicted <- replicate(200, rpois(n = 30, lambda = 1:30))
dss_sample(observed, predicted)

Binary forecast example data


A data set with binary predictions for COVID-19 cases and deaths constructed from data submitted to the European Forecast Hub.




An object of class forecast_binary (see as_forecast()) with the following columns:


the country for which a prediction was made


name of the country for which a prediction was made


the date for which a prediction was made


the target to be predicted (cases or deaths)


A factor with observed values


the date on which a prediction was made


name of the model that generated the forecasts


forecast horizon in weeks


predicted value


Predictions in the data set were constructed based on the continuous example data by looking at the number of samples below the mean prediction. The outcome was constructed as whether or not the actually observed value was below or above that mean prediction. This should not be understood as sound statistical practice, but rather as a practical way to create an example data set.

The data was created using the script create-example-data.R in the inst/ folder (or the top level folder in a compiled package).


Nominal example data


A data set with predictions for COVID-19 cases and deaths submitted to the European Forecast Hub.




An object of class forecast_nominal (see as_forecast()) with the following columns:


the country for which a prediction was made


the date for which a prediction was made


the target to be predicted (cases or deaths)


Numeric: observed values


name of the country for which a prediction was made


the date on which a prediction was made


outcome that a probabilty corresponds to


predicted value


name of the model that generated the forecasts


forecast horizon in weeks


The data was created using the script create-example-data.R in the inst/ folder (or the top level folder in a compiled package).


Point forecast example data


A data set with predictions for COVID-19 cases and deaths submitted to the European Forecast Hub. This data set is like the quantile example data, only that the median has been replaced by a point forecast.




An object of class forecast_point (see as_forecast()) with the following columns:


the country for which a prediction was made


the date for which a prediction was made


the target to be predicted (cases or deaths)


observed values


name of the country for which a prediction was made


the date on which a prediction was made


predicted value


name of the model that generated the forecasts


forecast horizon in weeks


The data was created using the script create-example-data.R in the inst/ folder (or the top level folder in a compiled package).


Quantile example data


A data set with predictions for COVID-19 cases and deaths submitted to the European Forecast Hub.




An object of class forecast_quantile (see as_forecast()) with the following columns:


the country for which a prediction was made


the date for which a prediction was made


the target to be predicted (cases or deaths)


Numeric: observed values


name of the country for which a prediction was made


the date on which a prediction was made


quantile level of the corresponding prediction


predicted value


name of the model that generated the forecasts


forecast horizon in weeks


The data was created using the script create-example-data.R in the inst/ folder (or the top level folder in a compiled package).


Continuous forecast example data


A data set with continuous predictions for COVID-19 cases and deaths constructed from data submitted to the European Forecast Hub.




An object of class forecast_sample (see as_forecast()) with the following columns:


the country for which a prediction was made


the date for which a prediction was made


the target to be predicted (cases or deaths)


observed values


name of the country for which a prediction was made


the date on which a prediction was made


name of the model that generated the forecasts


forecast horizon in weeks


predicted value


id for the corresponding sample


The data was created using the script create-example-data.R in the inst/ folder (or the top level folder in a compiled package).


Discrete forecast example data


A data set with integer predictions for COVID-19 cases and deaths constructed from data submitted to the European Forecast Hub.




An object of class forecast_sample (see as_forecast()) with the following columns:


the country for which a prediction was made


the date for which a prediction was made


the target to be predicted (cases or deaths)


observed values


name of the country for which a prediction was made


the date on which a prediction was made


name of the model that generated the forecasts


forecast horizon in weeks


predicted value


id for the corresponding sample


The data was created using the script create-example-data.R in the inst/ folder (or the top level folder in a compiled package).


Calculate correlation between metrics


Calculate the correlation between different metrics for a data.frame of scores as produced by score().


get_correlations(scores, metrics = get_metrics.scores(scores), ...)



An object of class scores (a data.table with scores and an additional attribute metrics as produced by score()).


A character vector with the metrics to show. If set to NULL (default), all metrics present in scores will be shown.


Additional arguments to pass down to cor().


An object of class scores (a data.table with an additional attribute metrics holding the names of the scores) with correlations between different metrics


library(magrittr) # pipe operator

scores <- example_quantile %>%
 as_forecast_quantile() %>%


Get quantile and interval coverage values for quantile-based forecasts


For a validated forecast object in a quantile-based format (see as_forecast() for more information), this function computes:

  • interval coverage of central prediction intervals

  • quantile coverage for predictive quantiles

  • the deviation between desired and actual coverage (both for interval and quantile coverage)

Coverage values are computed for a specific level of grouping, as specified in the by argument. By default, coverage values are computed per model.

Interval coverage

Interval coverage for a given interval range is defined as the proportion of observations that fall within the corresponding central prediction intervals. Central prediction intervals are symmetric around the median and formed by two quantiles that denote the lower and upper bound. For example, the 50% central prediction interval is the interval between the 0.25 and 0.75 quantiles of the predictive distribution.

Quantile coverage

Quantile coverage for a given quantile level is defined as the proportion of observed values that are smaller than the corresponding predictive quantile. For example, the 0.5 quantile coverage is the proportion of observed values that are smaller than the 0.5 quantile of the predictive distribution. Just as above, for a single observation and the quantile of a single predictive distribution, the value will either be TRUE or FALSE.

Coverage deviation

The coverage deviation is the difference between the desired coverage (can be either interval or quantile coverage) and the actual coverage. For example, if the desired coverage is 90% and the actual coverage is 80%, the coverage deviation is -0.1.


get_coverage(forecast, by = "model")



A forecast object (a validated data.table with predicted and observed values, see as_forecast()).


character vector that denotes the level of grouping for which the coverage values should be computed. By default ("model"), one coverage value per model will be returned.


A data.table with columns as specified in by and additional columns for the coverage values described above

a data.table with columns "interval_coverage", "interval_coverage_deviation", "quantile_coverage", "quantile_coverage_deviation" and the columns specified in by.


library(magrittr) # pipe operator
example_quantile %>%
  as_forecast_quantile() %>%
  get_coverage(by = "model")

Find duplicate forecasts


Internal helper function to identify duplicate forecasts, i.e. instances where there is more than one forecast for the same prediction target.


get_duplicate_forecasts(data, forecast_unit = NULL, counts = FALSE)



A data.frame (or similar) with predicted and observed values. See the details section of as_forecast() for additional information on required input formats.


(optional) Name of the columns in data (after any renaming of columns) that denote the unit of a single forecast. See get_forecast_unit() for details. If NULL (the default), all columns that are not required columns are assumed to form the unit of a single forecast. If specified, all columns that are not part of the forecast unit (or required columns) will be removed.


Should the output show the number of duplicates per forecast unit instead of the individual duplicated rows? Default is FALSE.


A data.frame with all rows for which a duplicate forecast was found


example <- rbind(example_quantile, example_quantile[1000:1010])

Count number of available forecasts


Given a data set with forecasts, this function counts the number of available forecasts. The level of grouping can be specified using the by argument (e.g. to count the number of forecasts per model, or the number of forecasts per model and location). This is useful to determine whether there are any missing forecasts.


  by = get_forecast_unit(forecast),
  collapse = c("quantile_level", "sample_id")



A forecast object (a validated data.table with predicted and observed values, see as_forecast()).


character vector or NULL (the default) that denotes the categories over which the number of forecasts should be counted. By default this will be the unit of a single forecast (i.e. all available columns (apart from a few "protected" columns such as 'predicted' and 'observed') plus "quantile_level" or "sample_id" where present).


character vector (default: ⁠c("quantile_level", "sample_id"⁠) with names of categories for which the number of rows should be collapsed to one when counting. For example, a single forecast is usually represented by a set of several quantiles or samples and collapsing these to one makes sure that a single forecast only gets counted once. Setting collapse = c() would mean that all quantiles / samples would be counted as individual forecasts.


A data.table with columns as specified in by and an additional column "count" with the number of forecasts.


library(magrittr) # pipe operator
example_quantile %>%
  as_forecast_quantile() %>%
  get_forecast_counts(by = c("model", "target_type"))

Get forecast type from forecast object


Get forecast type from forecast object





A forecast object (a validated data.table with predicted and observed values, see as_forecast()).


Character vector of length one with the forecast type.

Get unit of a single forecast


Helper function to get the unit of a single forecast, i.e. the column names that define where a single forecast was made for. This just takes all columns that are available in the data and subtracts the columns that are protected, i.e. those returned by get_protected_columns() as well as the names of the metrics that were specified during scoring, if any.





A data.frame (or similar) with predicted and observed values. See the details section of as_forecast() for additional information on required input formats.


A character vector with the column names that define the unit of a single forecast

Forecast unit

In order to score forecasts, scoringutils needs to know which of the rows of the data belong together and jointly form a single forecasts. This is easy e.g. for point forecast, where there is one row per forecast. For quantile or sample-based forecasts, however, there are multiple rows that belong to a single forecast.

The forecast unit or unit of a single forecast is then described by the combination of columns that uniquely identify a single forecast. For example, we could have forecasts made by different models in various locations at different time points, each for several weeks into the future. The forecast unit could then be described as forecast_unit = c("model", "location", "forecast_date", "forecast_horizon"). scoringutils automatically tries to determine the unit of a single forecast. It uses all existing columns for this, which means that no columns must be present that are unrelated to the forecast unit. As a very simplistic example, if you had an additional row, "even", that is one if the row number is even and zero otherwise, then this would mess up scoring as scoringutils then thinks that this column was relevant in defining the forecast unit.

In order to avoid issues, we recommend setting the forecast unit explicitly, usually through the forecast_unit argument in the as_forecast() functions. This will drop unneeded columns, while making sure that all necessary, 'protected columns' like "predicted" or "observed" are retained.

Get metrics


Generic function to to obtain default metrics availble for scoring or metrics that were used for scoring.

  • If called on forecast object it returns a list of functions that can be used for scoring.

  • If called on a scores object (see score()), it returns a character vector with the names of the metrics that were used for scoring.

See the documentation for the actual methods in the ⁠See Also⁠ section below for more details. Alternatively call ⁠?get_metrics.<forecast_type>⁠ or ?get_metrics.scores.


get_metrics(x, ...)



A forecast or scores object.


Additional arguments passed to the method.


See as_forecast() for more information on forecast objects and score() for more information on scores objects.

See Also

Other get_metrics functions: get_metrics.forecast_binary(), get_metrics.forecast_nominal(), get_metrics.forecast_point(), get_metrics.forecast_quantile(), get_metrics.forecast_sample(), get_metrics.scores()

Get default metrics for binary forecasts


For binary forecasts, the default scoring rules are:


## S3 method for class 'forecast_binary'
get_metrics(x, select = NULL, exclude = NULL, ...)



A forecast object (a validated data.table with predicted and observed values, see as_forecast()).


A character vector of scoring rules to select from the list. If select is NULL (the default), all possible scoring rules are returned.


A character vector of scoring rules to exclude from the list. If select is not NULL, this argument is ignored.




A list of scoring functions.

Input format


See Also

Other get_metrics functions: get_metrics(), get_metrics.forecast_nominal(), get_metrics.forecast_point(), get_metrics.forecast_quantile(), get_metrics.forecast_sample(), get_metrics.scores()


get_metrics(example_binary, select = "brier_score")
get_metrics(example_binary, exclude = "log_score")

Get default metrics for nominal forecasts


For nominal forecasts, the default scoring rule is:


## S3 method for class 'forecast_nominal'
get_metrics(x, select = NULL, exclude = NULL, ...)



A forecast object (a validated data.table with predicted and observed values, see as_forecast()).


A character vector of scoring rules to select from the list. If select is NULL (the default), all possible scoring rules are returned.


A character vector of scoring rules to exclude from the list. If select is not NULL, this argument is ignored.



See Also

Other get_metrics functions: get_metrics(), get_metrics.forecast_binary(), get_metrics.forecast_point(), get_metrics.forecast_quantile(), get_metrics.forecast_sample(), get_metrics.scores()



Get default metrics for point forecasts


For point forecasts, the default scoring rules are:

A note of caution: Every scoring rule for a point forecast is implicitly minimised by a specific aspect of the predictive distribution (see Gneiting, 2011).

The mean squared error, for example, is only a meaningful scoring rule if the forecaster actually reported the mean of their predictive distribution as a point forecast. If the forecaster reported the median, then the mean absolute error would be the appropriate scoring rule. If the scoring rule and the predictive task do not align, the results will be misleading.

Failure to respect this correspondence can lead to grossly misleading results! Consider the example in the section below.


## S3 method for class 'forecast_point'
get_metrics(x, select = NULL, exclude = NULL, ...)



A forecast object (a validated data.table with predicted and observed values, see as_forecast()).


A character vector of scoring rules to select from the list. If select is NULL (the default), all possible scoring rules are returned.


A character vector of scoring rules to exclude from the list. If select is not NULL, this argument is ignored.



Input format



Making and Evaluating Point Forecasts, Gneiting, Tilmann, 2011, Journal of the American Statistical Association.

See Also

Other get_metrics functions: get_metrics(), get_metrics.forecast_binary(), get_metrics.forecast_nominal(), get_metrics.forecast_quantile(), get_metrics.forecast_sample(), get_metrics.scores()


get_metrics(example_point, select = "ape")

n <- 500
observed <- rnorm(n, 5, 4)^2

predicted_mu <- mean(observed)
predicted_not_mu <- predicted_mu - rnorm(n, 10, 2)

df <- data.frame(
  model = rep(c("perfect", "bad"), each = n),
  predicted = c(rep(predicted_mu, n), predicted_not_mu),
  observed = rep(observed, 2),
  id = rep(1:n, 2)
) %>%
score(df) %>%

Get default metrics for quantile-based forecasts


For quantile-based forecasts, the default scoring rules are:

Note: The interval_coverage_90 scoring rule is created by modifying interval_coverage(), making use of the function purrr::partial(). This construct allows the function to deal with arbitrary arguments in ..., while making sure that only those that interval_coverage() can accept get passed on to it. interval_range = 90 is set in the function definition, as passing an argument interval_range = 90 to score() would mean it would also get passed to interval_coverage_50.


## S3 method for class 'forecast_quantile'
get_metrics(x, select = NULL, exclude = NULL, ...)



A forecast object (a validated data.table with predicted and observed values, see as_forecast()).


A character vector of scoring rules to select from the list. If select is NULL (the default), all possible scoring rules are returned.


A character vector of scoring rules to exclude from the list. If select is not NULL, this argument is ignored.



Input format


See Also

Other get_metrics functions: get_metrics(), get_metrics.forecast_binary(), get_metrics.forecast_nominal(), get_metrics.forecast_point(), get_metrics.forecast_sample(), get_metrics.scores()


get_metrics(example_quantile, select = "wis")

Get default metrics for sample-based forecasts


For sample-based forecasts, the default scoring rules are:


## S3 method for class 'forecast_sample'
get_metrics(x, select = NULL, exclude = NULL, ...)



A forecast object (a validated data.table with predicted and observed values, see as_forecast()).


A character vector of scoring rules to select from the list. If select is NULL (the default), all possible scoring rules are returned.


A character vector of scoring rules to exclude from the list. If select is not NULL, this argument is ignored.



Input format


See Also

Other get_metrics functions: get_metrics(), get_metrics.forecast_binary(), get_metrics.forecast_nominal(), get_metrics.forecast_point(), get_metrics.forecast_quantile(), get_metrics.scores()


get_metrics(example_sample_continuous, exclude = "mad")

Get names of the metrics that were used for scoring


When applying a scoring rule via score(), the names of the scoring rules become column names of the resulting data.table. In addition, an attribute metrics will be added to the output, holding the names of the scores as a vector.

This is done so that functions like get_forecast_unit() or summarise_scores() can still identify which columns are part of the forecast unit and which hold a score.

get_metrics() accesses and returns the metrics attribute. If there is no attribute, the function will return NULL (or, if error = TRUE will produce an error instead). In addition, it checks the column names of the input for consistency with the data stored in the metrics attribute.

Handling a missing or inconsistent metrics attribute:

If the metrics attribute is missing or is not consistent with the column names of the data.table, you can either

  • run score() again, specifying names for the scoring rules manually, or

  • add/update the attribute manually using attr(scores, "metrics") <- c("names", "of", "your", "scores") (the order does not matter).


## S3 method for class 'scores'
get_metrics(x, error = FALSE, ...)



A scores object, (a data.table with an attribute metrics as produced by score()).


Throw an error if there is no attribute called metrics? Default is FALSE.




Character vector with the names of the scoring rules that were used for scoring.

See Also

Other get_metrics functions: get_metrics(), get_metrics.forecast_binary(), get_metrics.forecast_nominal(), get_metrics.forecast_point(), get_metrics.forecast_quantile(), get_metrics.forecast_sample()

Obtain pairwise comparisons between models


Compare scores obtained by different models in a pairwise tournament. All combinations of two models are compared against each other based on the overlapping set of available forecasts common to both models.

The input should be a scores object as produced by score(). Note that adding additional unrelated columns can unpredictably change results, as all present columns are taken into account when determining the set of overlapping forecasts between two models.

The output of the pairwise comparisons is a set of mean score ratios, relative skill scores and p-values.

The following illustrates the pairwise comparison process:


Mean score ratios

For every pair of two models, a mean score ratio is computed. This is simply the mean score of the first model divided by the mean score of the second. Mean score ratios are computed based on the set of overlapping forecasts between the two models. That means that only scores for those targets are taken into account for which both models have submitted a forecast.

(Scaled) Relative skill scores

The relative score of a model is the geometric mean of all mean score ratios which involve that model. If a baseline is provided, scaled relative skill scores will be calculated as well. Scaled relative skill scores are simply the relative skill score of a model divided by the relative skill score of the baseline model.


In addition, the function computes p-values for the comparison between two models (again based on the set of overlapping forecasts). P-values can be computed in two ways: based on a nonparametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test (internally using wilcox.test() with paired = TRUE) or based on a permutation test. The permutation test is based on the difference in mean scores between two models. The default null hypothesis is that the mean score difference is zero (see permutation_test()). Adjusted p-values are computed by calling p.adjust() on the raw p-values.

The code for the pairwise comparisons is inspired by an implementation by Johannes Bracher. The implementation of the permutation test follows the function permutationTest from the surveillance package by Michael Höhle, Andrea Riebler and Michaela Paul.


  compare = "model",
  by = NULL,
  metric = intersect(c("wis", "crps", "brier_score"), names(scores)),
  baseline = NULL,



An object of class scores (a data.table with scores and an additional attribute metrics as produced by score()).


Character vector with a single colum name that defines the elements for the pairwise comparison. For example, if this is set to "model" (the default), then elements of the "model" column will be compared.


Character vector with column names that define further grouping levels for the pairwise comparisons. By default this is NULL and there will be one relative skill score per distinct entry of the column selected in compare. If further columns are given here, for example, by = "location" with compare = "model", then one separate relative skill score is calculated for every model in every location.


A string with the name of the metric for which a relative skill shall be computed. By default this is either "crps", "wis" or "brier_score" if any of these are available.


A string with the name of a model. If a baseline is given, then a scaled relative skill with respect to the baseline will be returned. By default (NULL), relative skill will not be scaled with respect to a baseline model.


Additional arguments for the comparison between two models. See compare_forecasts() for more information.


A data.table with the results of pairwise comparisons containing the mean score ratios (mean_scores_ratio), unadjusted (pval) and adjusted (adj_pval) p-values, and relative skill values of each model (..._relative_skill). If a baseline model is given then the scaled relative skill is reported as well (..._scaled_relative_skill).


Nikos Bosse [email protected]

Johannes Bracher, [email protected]


library(magrittr) # pipe operator

scores <- example_quantile %>%
 as_forecast_quantile() %>%

pairwise <- get_pairwise_comparisons(scores, by = "target_type")
pairwise2 <- get_pairwise_comparisons(
  scores, by = "target_type", baseline = "EuroCOVIDhub-baseline"

plot_pairwise_comparisons(pairwise, type = "mean_scores_ratio") +

Probability integral transformation histogram


Generate a Probability Integral Transformation (PIT) histogram for validated forecast objects.

See the examples for how to plot the result of this function.


## S3 method for class 'forecast_quantile'
get_pit_histogram(forecast, num_bins = NULL, breaks = NULL, by, ...)

## S3 method for class 'forecast_sample'
  num_bins = 10,
  breaks = NULL,
  integers = c("nonrandom", "random", "ignore"),
  n_replicates = NULL,

get_pit_histogram(forecast, num_bins, breaks, by, ...)

## Default S3 method:
get_pit_histogram(forecast, num_bins, breaks, by, ...)



A forecast object (a validated data.table with predicted and observed values, see as_forecast()).


The number of bins in the PIT histogram. For sample-based forecasts, the default is 10 bins. For quantile-based forecasts, the default is one bin for each available quantile. You can control the number of bins by supplying a number. This is fine for sample-based pit histograms, but may fail for quantile-based formats. In this case it is preferred to supply explicit breaks points using the breaks argument.


Numeric vector with the break points for the bins in the PIT histogram. This is preferred when creating a PIT histogram based on quantile-based data. Default is NULL and breaks will be determined by num_bins. If breaks is used, num_bins will be ignored. 0 and 1 will always be added as left and right bounds, respectively.


Character vector with the columns according to which the PIT values shall be grouped. If you e.g. have the columns 'model' and 'location' in the input data and want to have a PIT histogram for every model and location, specify by = c("model", "location").


Currently unused. You cannot pass additional arguments to scoring functions via .... See the Customising metrics section below for details on how to use purrr::partial() to pass arguments to individual metrics.


How to handle integer forecasts (count data). This is based on methods described Czado et al. (2007). If "nonrandom" (default) the function will use the non-randomised PIT method. If "random", will use the randomised PIT method. If "ignore", will treat integer forecasts as if they were continuous.


The number of draws for the randomised PIT for discrete predictions. Will be ignored if forecasts are continuous or integers is not set to random.


A data.table with density values for each bin in the PIT histogram.


Sebastian Funk, Anton Camacho, Adam J. Kucharski, Rachel Lowe, Rosalind M. Eggo, W. John Edmunds (2019) Assessing the performance of real-time epidemic forecasts: A case study of Ebola in the Western Area region of Sierra Leone, 2014-15, doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006785

See Also




example <- as_forecast_sample(example_sample_continuous)
result <- get_pit_histogram(example, by = "model")
ggplot(result,  aes(x = mid, y = density)) +
  geom_col() +
  facet_wrap(. ~ model) +
  labs(x = "Quantile", "Density")

# example with quantile data
example <- as_forecast_quantile(example_quantile)
result <- get_pit_histogram(example, by = "model")
ggplot(result,  aes(x = mid, y = density)) +
  geom_col() +
  facet_wrap(. ~ model) +
  labs(x = "Quantile", "Density")

Get type of a vector or matrix of observed values or predictions


Internal helper function to get the type of a vector (usually of observed or predicted values). The function checks whether the input is a factor, or else whether it is integer (or can be coerced to integer) or whether it's continuous.





Input the type should be determined for.


Character vector of length one with either "classification", "integer", or "continuous".

Interval coverage (for quantile-based forecasts)


Check whether the observed value is within a given central prediction interval. The prediction interval is defined by a lower and an upper bound formed by a pair of predictive quantiles. For example, a 50% prediction interval is formed by the 0.25 and 0.75 quantiles of the predictive distribution.


interval_coverage(observed, predicted, quantile_level, interval_range = 50)



Numeric vector of size n with the observed values.


Numeric nxN matrix of predictive quantiles, n (number of rows) being the number of forecasts (corresponding to the number of observed values) and N (number of columns) the number of quantiles per forecast. If observed is just a single number, then predicted can just be a vector of size N.


Vector of of size N with the quantile levels for which predictions were made.


A single number with the range of the prediction interval in percent (e.g. 50 for a 50% prediction interval) for which you want to compute interval coverage.


A vector of length n with elements either TRUE, if the observed value is within the corresponding prediction interval, and FALSE otherwise.

Input format



observed <- c(1, -15, 22)
predicted <- rbind(
  c(-1, 0, 1, 2, 3),
  c(-2, 1, 2, 2, 4),
   c(-2, 0, 3, 3, 4)
quantile_level <- c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9)
interval_coverage(observed, predicted, quantile_level)

Interval score


Proper Scoring Rule to score quantile predictions, following Gneiting and Raftery (2007). Smaller values are better.

The score is computed as

score=(upperlower)+2α(lowerobserved)1(observed<lower)+2α(observedupper)1(observed>upper)\textrm{score} = (\textrm{upper} - \textrm{lower}) + \frac{2}{\alpha}(\textrm{lower} - \textrm{observed}) * \mathbf{1}(\textrm{observed} < \textrm{lower}) + \frac{2}{\alpha}(\textrm{observed} - \textrm{upper}) * \mathbf{1}(\textrm{observed} > \textrm{upper})

where 1()\mathbf{1}() is the indicator function and indicates how much is outside the prediction interval. α\alpha is the decimal value that indicates how much is outside the prediction interval.

To improve usability, the user is asked to provide an interval range in percentage terms, i.e. interval_range = 90 (percent) for a 90 percent prediction interval. Correspondingly, the user would have to provide the 5% and 95% quantiles (the corresponding alpha would then be 0.1). No specific distribution is assumed, but the interval has to be symmetric around the median (i.e you can't use the 0.1 quantile as the lower bound and the 0.7 quantile as the upper bound). Non-symmetric quantiles can be scored using the function quantile_score().


  weigh = TRUE,
  separate_results = FALSE



A vector with observed values of size n


Vector of size n with the prediction for the lower quantile of the given interval range.


Vector of size n with the prediction for the upper quantile of the given interval range.


Numeric vector (either a single number or a vector of size n) with the range of the prediction intervals. For example, if you're forecasting the 0.05 and 0.95 quantile, the interval range would be 90. The interval range corresponds to (100α)/100(100-\alpha)/100, where α\alpha is the decimal value that indicates how much is outside the prediction interval (see e.g. Gneiting and Raftery (2007)).


Logical. If TRUE (the default), weigh the score by α/2\alpha / 2, so it can be averaged into an interval score that, in the limit (for an increasing number of equally spaced quantiles/prediction intervals), corresponds to the CRPS. α\alpha is the value that corresponds to the (α/2\alpha/2) or (1α/21 - \alpha/2), i.e. it is the decimal value that represents how much is outside a central prediction interval (E.g. for a 90 percent central prediction interval, alpha is 0.1).


Logical. If TRUE (default is FALSE), then the separate parts of the interval score (dispersion penalty, penalties for over- and under-prediction get returned as separate elements of a list). If you want a data.frame instead, simply call on the output.


Vector with the scoring values, or a list with separate entries if separate_results is TRUE.


Strictly Proper Scoring Rules, Prediction,and Estimation, Tilmann Gneiting and Adrian E. Raftery, 2007, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Volume 102, 2007 - Issue 477

Evaluating epidemic forecasts in an interval format, Johannes Bracher, Evan L. Ray, Tilmann Gneiting and Nicholas G. Reich, # nolint


observed <- rnorm(30, mean = 1:30)
interval_range <- rep(90, 30)
alpha <- (100 - interval_range) / 100
lower <- qnorm(alpha / 2, rnorm(30, mean = 1:30))
upper <- qnorm((1 - alpha / 2), rnorm(30, mean = 11:40))

  observed = observed,
  lower = lower,
  upper = upper,
  interval_range = interval_range

# gives a warning, as the interval_range should likely be 50 instead of 0.5
  observed = 4, upper = 8, lower = 2, interval_range = 0.5

# example with missing values and separate results
  observed = c(observed, NA),
  lower = c(lower, NA),
  upper = c(NA, upper),
  separate_results = TRUE,
  interval_range = 90

Test whether an object is a forecast object


Test whether an object is a forecast object (see as_forecast() for more information).

You can test for a specific ⁠forecast_*⁠ class using the appropriate ⁠is_forecast_*⁠ function.










An R object.


is_forecast: TRUE if the object is of class forecast, FALSE otherwise.

⁠is_forecast_<type>*⁠: TRUE if the object is of class ⁠forecast_*⁠ in addition to class forecast, FALSE otherwise.


forecast_binary <- as_forecast_binary(example_binary)

Log transformation with an additive shift


Function that shifts a value by some offset and then applies the natural logarithm to it.


log_shift(x, offset = 0, base = exp(1))



vector of input values to be transformed


Number to add to the input value before taking the natural logarithm.


A positive number: the base with respect to which logarithms are computed. Defaults to e = exp(1).


The output is computed as log(x + offset)


A numeric vector with transformed values


Transformation of forecasts for evaluating predictive performance in an epidemiological context Nikos I. Bosse, Sam Abbott, Anne Cori, Edwin van Leeuwen, Johannes Bracher, Sebastian Funk medRxiv 2023.01.23.23284722 doi:10.1101/2023.01.23.23284722 # nolint


library(magrittr) # pipe operator
log_shift(0:9, offset = 1)

example_quantile[observed > 0, ] %>%
  as_forecast_quantile() %>%
  transform_forecasts(fun = log_shift, offset = 1)

Log score for nominal outcomes


Log score for nominal outcomes

The Log Score is the negative logarithm of the probability assigned to the observed value. It is a proper scoring rule. Small values are better (best is zero, worst is infinity).


logs_nominal(observed, predicted, predicted_label)



A factor of length n with N levels holding the observed values.


nxN matrix of predictive probabilities, n (number of rows) being the number of observations and N (number of columns) the number of possible outcomes.


A factor of length N, denoting the outcome that the probabilities in predicted correspond to.


A numeric vector of size n with log scores

See Also

Other log score functions: logs_sample(), scoring-functions-binary


factor_levels <- c("one", "two", "three")
predicted_label <- factor(c("one", "two", "three"), levels = factor_levels)
observed <- factor(c("one", "three", "two"), levels = factor_levels)
predicted <- matrix(c(0.8, 0.1, 0.4,
                      0.1, 0.2, 0.4,
                      0.1, 0.7, 0.2),
                    nrow = 3)
logs_nominal(observed, predicted, predicted_label)

Logarithmic score (sample-based version)


This function is a wrapper around the logs_sample() function from the scoringRules package.

The log score is the negative logarithm of the predictive density evaluated at the observed value.

The function should be used to score continuous predictions only. While the Log Score is in theory also applicable to discrete forecasts, the problem lies in the implementation: The function uses a kernel density estimation, which is not well defined with integer-valued Monte Carlo Samples. See the scoringRules package for more details and alternatives, e.g. calculating scores for specific discrete probability distributions.


logs_sample(observed, predicted, ...)



A vector with observed values of size n


nxN matrix of predictive samples, n (number of rows) being the number of data points and N (number of columns) the number of Monte Carlo samples. Alternatively, predicted can just be a vector of size n.


Additional arguments passed to logs_sample() from the scoringRules package.


Vector with scores.

Input format



Alexander Jordan, Fabian Krüger, Sebastian Lerch, Evaluating Probabilistic Forecasts with scoringRules,

See Also

Other log score functions: logs_nominal(), scoring-functions-binary


observed <- rpois(30, lambda = 1:30)
predicted <- replicate(200, rpois(n = 30, lambda = 1:30))
logs_sample(observed, predicted)

Determine dispersion of a probabilistic forecast


Sharpness is the ability of the model to generate predictions within a narrow range and dispersion is the lack thereof. It is a data-independent measure, and is purely a feature of the forecasts themselves.

Dispersion of predictive samples corresponding to one single observed value is measured as the normalised median of the absolute deviation from the median of the predictive samples. For details, see mad() and the explanations given in Funk et al. (2019)


mad_sample(observed = NULL, predicted, ...)



Place holder, argument will be ignored and exists only for consistency with other scoring functions. The output does not depend on any observed values.


nxN matrix of predictive samples, n (number of rows) being the number of data points and N (number of columns) the number of Monte Carlo samples. Alternatively, predicted can just be a vector of size n.


Additional arguments passed to mad().


Vector with dispersion values.

Input format



Funk S, Camacho A, Kucharski AJ, Lowe R, Eggo RM, Edmunds WJ (2019) Assessing the performance of real-time epidemic forecasts: A case study of Ebola in the Western Area region of Sierra Leone, 2014-15. PLoS Comput Biol 15(2): e1006785. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006785


predicted <- replicate(200, rpois(n = 30, lambda = 1:30))
mad_sample(predicted = predicted)

Probability integral transformation for counts


Uses a Probability integral transformation (PIT) (or a randomised PIT for integer forecasts) to assess the calibration of predictive Monte Carlo samples.


  integers = c("nonrandom", "random", "ignore"),
  n_replicates = NULL



A vector with observed values of size n


nxN matrix of predictive samples, n (number of rows) being the number of data points and N (number of columns) the number of Monte Carlo samples. Alternatively, predicted can just be a vector of size n.


A vector of quantiles between which to calculate the PIT.


How to handle integer forecasts (count data). This is based on methods described Czado et al. (2007). If "nonrandom" (default) the function will use the non-randomised PIT method. If "random", will use the randomised PIT method. If "ignore", will treat integer forecasts as if they were continuous.


The number of draws for the randomised PIT for discrete predictions. Will be ignored if forecasts are continuous or integers is not set to random.


Calibration or reliability of forecasts is the ability of a model to correctly identify its own uncertainty in making predictions. In a model with perfect calibration, the observed data at each time point look as if they came from the predictive probability distribution at that time.

Equivalently, one can inspect the probability integral transform of the predictive distribution at time t,

ut=Ft(xt)u_t = F_t (x_t)

where xtx_t is the observed data point at time t in t1,,tnt \textrm{ in } t_1, …, t_n, n being the number of forecasts, and FtF_t is the (continuous) predictive cumulative probability distribution at time t. If the true probability distribution of outcomes at time t is GtG_t then the forecasts FtF_t are said to be ideal if Ft=GtF_t = G_t at all times t. In that case, the probabilities utu_t are distributed uniformly.

In the case of discrete nonnegative outcomes such as incidence counts, the PIT is no longer uniform even when forecasts are ideal. In that case two methods are available ase described by Czado et al. (2007).

By default, a nonrandomised PIT is calculated using the conditional cumulative distribution function

F(u)={0if v<Pt(kt1)(vPt(kt1))/(Pt(kt)Pt(kt1))if Pt(kt1)v<Pt(kt)1if vPt(kt)F(u) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } v < P_t(k_t - 1) \\ (v - P_t(k_t - 1)) / (P_t(k_t) - P_t(k_t - 1)) & \text{if } P_t(k_t - 1) \leq v < P_t(k_t) \\ 1 & \text{if } v \geq P_t(k_t) \end{cases}

where ktk_t is the observed count, Pt(x)P_t(x) is the predictive cumulative probability of observing incidence kk at time tt and Pt(1)=0P_t (-1) = 0 by definition. Values of the PIT histogram are then created by averaging over the nn predictions,

And calculating the value at each bin between quantile qiq_i and quantile qi+1q_{i + 1} as

Alternatively, a randomised PIT can be used instead. In this case, the PIT is

ut=Pt(kt)+v(Pt(kt)Pt(kt1))u_t = P_t(k_t) + v * (P_t(k_t) - P_t(k_t - 1))

where vv is standard uniform and independent of kk. The values of the PIT histogram are then calculated by binning the $u_t$ values as above.


A vector with PIT histogram densities for the bins corresponding to the given quantiles.


Claudia Czado, Tilmann Gneiting Leonhard Held (2009) Predictive model assessment for count data. Biometrika, 96(4), 633-648. Sebastian Funk, Anton Camacho, Adam J. Kucharski, Rachel Lowe, Rosalind M. Eggo, W. John Edmunds (2019) Assessing the performance of real-time epidemic forecasts: A case study of Ebola in the Western Area region of Sierra Leone, 2014-15, doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006785

See Also



## continuous predictions
observed <- rnorm(20, mean = 1:20)
predicted <- replicate(100, rnorm(n = 20, mean = 1:20))
pit <- pit_histogram_sample(observed, predicted, quantiles = seq(0, 1, 0.1))

## integer predictions
observed <- rpois(20, lambda = 1:20)
predicted <- replicate(100, rpois(n = 20, lambda = 1:20))
pit <- pit_histogram_sample(observed, predicted, quantiles = seq(0, 1, 0.1))

## integer predictions, randomised PIT
observed <- rpois(20, lambda = 1:20)
predicted <- replicate(100, rpois(n = 20, lambda = 1:20))
pit <- pit_histogram_sample(
  observed, predicted, quantiles = seq(0, 1, 0.1),
  integers = "random", n_replicates = 30

Plot correlation between metrics


Plots a heatmap of correlations between different metrics.


plot_correlations(correlations, digits = NULL)



A data.table of correlations between scores as produced by get_correlations().


A number indicating how many decimal places the correlations should be rounded to. By default (digits = NULL) no rounding takes place.


A ggplot object showing a coloured matrix of correlations between metrics.

A ggplot object with a visualisation of correlations between metrics


library(magrittr) # pipe operator
scores <- example_quantile %>%
  as_forecast_quantile %>%
correlations <- scores %>%
  summarise_scores() %>%
plot_correlations(correlations, digits = 2)

Visualise the number of available forecasts


Visualise Where Forecasts Are Available.


  y = "model",
  x_as_factor = TRUE,
  show_counts = TRUE



A data.table (or similar) with a column count holding forecast counts, as produced by get_forecast_counts().


Character vector of length one that denotes the name of the column to appear on the x-axis of the plot.


Character vector of length one that denotes the name of the column to appear on the y-axis of the plot. Default is "model".


Logical (default is TRUE). Whether or not to convert the variable on the x-axis to a factor. This has an effect e.g. if dates are shown on the x-axis.


Logical (default is TRUE) that indicates whether or not to show the actual count numbers on the plot.


A ggplot object with a plot of forecast counts


library(magrittr) # pipe operator
forecast_counts <- example_quantile %>%
  as_forecast_quantile %>%
  get_forecast_counts(by = c("model", "target_type", "target_end_date"))
 forecast_counts, x = "target_end_date", show_counts = FALSE
) +

Create a heatmap of a scoring metric


This function can be used to create a heatmap of one metric across different groups, e.g. the interval score obtained by several forecasting models in different locations.


plot_heatmap(scores, y = "model", x, metric)



A data.frame of scores based on quantile forecasts as produced by score().


The variable from the scores you want to show on the y-Axis. The default for this is "model"


The variable from the scores you want to show on the x-Axis. This could be something like "horizon", or "location"


String, the metric that determines the value and colour shown in the tiles of the heatmap.


A ggplot object showing a heatmap of the desired metric


library(magrittr) # pipe operator
scores <- example_quantile %>%
  as_forecast_quantile %>%
scores <- summarise_scores(scores, by = c("model", "target_type"))
scores <- summarise_scores(
  scores, by = c("model", "target_type"),
  fun = signif, digits = 2

plot_heatmap(scores, x = "target_type", metric = "bias")

Plot interval coverage


Plot interval coverage values (see get_coverage() for more information).


plot_interval_coverage(coverage, colour = "model")



A data frame of coverage values as produced by get_coverage().


According to which variable shall the graphs be coloured? Default is "model".


ggplot object with a plot of interval coverage


example <- as_forecast_quantile(example_quantile)
coverage <- get_coverage(example, by = "model")

Plot heatmap of pairwise comparisons


Creates a heatmap of the ratios or pvalues from a pairwise comparison between models.


  type = c("mean_scores_ratio", "pval")



A data.frame as produced by get_pairwise_comparisons().


Character vector of length one that is either "mean_scores_ratio" or "pval". This denotes whether to visualise the ratio or the p-value of the pairwise comparison. Default is "mean_scores_ratio".


A ggplot object with a heatmap of mean score ratios from pairwise comparisons.


library(magrittr) # pipe operator
scores <- example_quantile %>%
  as_forecast_quantile %>%
pairwise <- get_pairwise_comparisons(scores, by = "target_type")
plot_pairwise_comparisons(pairwise, type = "mean_scores_ratio") +

Plot quantile coverage


Plot quantile coverage values (see get_coverage() for more information).


plot_quantile_coverage(coverage, colour = "model")



A data frame of coverage values as produced by get_coverage().


String, according to which variable shall the graphs be coloured? Default is "model".


A ggplot object with a plot of interval coverage


example <- as_forecast_quantile(example_quantile)
coverage <- get_coverage(example, by = "model")

Plot contributions to the weighted interval score


Visualise the components of the weighted interval score: penalties for over-prediction, under-prediction and for high dispersion (lack of sharpness).


plot_wis(scores, x = "model", relative_contributions = FALSE, flip = FALSE)



A data.table of scores based on quantile forecasts as produced by score() and summarised using summarise_scores().


The variable from the scores you want to show on the x-Axis. Usually this will be "model".


Logical. Show relative contributions instead of absolute contributions? Default is FALSE and this functionality is not available yet.


Boolean (default is FALSE), whether or not to flip the axes.


A ggplot object showing a contributions from the three components of the weighted interval score.

A ggplot object with a visualisation of the WIS decomposition


Bracher J, Ray E, Gneiting T, Reich, N (2020) Evaluating epidemic forecasts in an interval format.


library(magrittr) # pipe operator
scores <- example_quantile %>%
  as_forecast_quantile %>%
scores <- summarise_scores(scores, by = c("model", "target_type"))

  x = "model",
  relative_contributions = TRUE
) +
  x = "model",
  relative_contributions = FALSE
) +
  facet_wrap(~target_type, scales = "free_x")

Print information about a forecast object


This function prints information about a forecast object, including "Forecast type", "Score columns", "Forecast unit".


## S3 method for class 'forecast'
print(x, ...)



A forecast object (a validated data.table with predicted and observed values, see as_forecast()).


Additional arguments for print().


Returns x invisibly.


dat <- as_forecast_quantile(example_quantile)

Quantile score


Proper Scoring Rule to score quantile predictions. Smaller values are better. The quantile score is closely related to the interval score (see wis()) and is the quantile equivalent that works with single quantiles instead of central prediction intervals.

The quantile score, also called pinball loss, for a single quantile level τ\tau is defined as

QSτ(F,y)=2{1(yqτ)τ}(qτy)={2(1τ)qτy,if yqτ2τqτy,if y>qτ,\text{QS}_\tau(F, y) = 2 \cdot \{ \mathbf{1}(y \leq q_\tau) - \tau\} \cdot (q_\tau - y) = \begin{cases} 2 \cdot (1 - \tau) * q_\tau - y, & \text{if } y \leq q_\tau\\ 2 \cdot \tau * |q_\tau - y|, & \text{if } y > q_\tau, \end{cases}

with qτq_\tau being the τ\tau-quantile of the predictive distribution FF, and 1()\mathbf{1}(\cdot) the indicator function.

The weighted interval score for a single prediction interval can be obtained as the average of the quantile scores for the lower and upper quantile of that prediction interval:

WISα(F,y)=QSα/2(F,y)+QS1α/2(F,y)2.\text{WIS}_\alpha(F, y) = \frac{\text{QS}_{\alpha/2}(F, y) + \text{QS}_{1 - \alpha/2}(F, y)}{2}.

See the SI of Bracher et al. (2021) for more details.

quantile_score() returns the average quantile score across the quantile levels provided. For a set of quantile levels that form pairwise central prediction intervals, the quantile score is equivalent to the interval score.


quantile_score(observed, predicted, quantile_level, weigh = TRUE)



Numeric vector of size n with the observed values.


Numeric nxN matrix of predictive quantiles, n (number of rows) being the number of forecasts (corresponding to the number of observed values) and N (number of columns) the number of quantiles per forecast. If observed is just a single number, then predicted can just be a vector of size N.


Vector of of size N with the quantile levels for which predictions were made.


Logical. If TRUE (the default), weigh the score by α/2\alpha / 2, so it can be averaged into an interval score that, in the limit (for an increasing number of equally spaced quantiles/prediction intervals), corresponds to the CRPS. α\alpha is the value that corresponds to the (α/2\alpha/2) or (1α/21 - \alpha/2), i.e. it is the decimal value that represents how much is outside a central prediction interval (E.g. for a 90 percent central prediction interval, alpha is 0.1).


Numeric vector of length n with the quantile score. The scores are averaged across quantile levels if multiple quantile levels are provided (the result of calling rowMeans() on the matrix of quantile scores that is computed based on the observed and predicted values).

Input format



Strictly Proper Scoring Rules, Prediction,and Estimation, Tilmann Gneiting and Adrian E. Raftery, 2007, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Volume 102, 2007 - Issue 477

Evaluating epidemic forecasts in an interval format, Johannes Bracher, Evan L. Ray, Tilmann Gneiting and Nicholas G. Reich, 2021,


observed <- rnorm(10, mean = 1:10)
alpha <- 0.5

lower <- qnorm(alpha / 2, observed)
upper <- qnorm((1 - alpha / 2), observed)

qs_lower <- quantile_score(observed,
  predicted = matrix(lower),
  quantile_level = alpha / 2
qs_upper <- quantile_score(observed,
  predicted = matrix(upper),
  quantile_level = 1 - alpha / 2
interval_score <- (qs_lower + qs_upper) / 2
interval_score2 <- quantile_score(
  predicted = cbind(lower, upper),
  quantile_level = c(alpha / 2, 1 - alpha / 2)

# this is the same as the following
  predicted = cbind(lower, upper),
  quantile_level = c(alpha / 2, 1 - alpha / 2)

Evaluate forecasts


score() applies a selection of scoring metrics to a forecast object (a data.table with forecasts and observations) (see as_forecast()). score() is a generic that dispatches to different methods depending on the class of the input data.

See the Forecast types and input formats section for more information on forecast types and input formats. For additional help and examples, check out the Getting Started Vignette as well as the paper Evaluating Forecasts with scoringutils in R.


## S3 method for class 'forecast_binary'
score(forecast, metrics = get_metrics(forecast), ...)

## S3 method for class 'forecast_nominal'
score(forecast, metrics = get_metrics(forecast), ...)

## S3 method for class 'forecast_point'
score(forecast, metrics = get_metrics(forecast), ...)

## S3 method for class 'forecast_quantile'
score(forecast, metrics = get_metrics(forecast), ...)

## S3 method for class 'forecast_sample'
score(forecast, metrics = get_metrics(forecast), ...)

score(forecast, metrics, ...)



A forecast object (a validated data.table with predicted and observed values, see as_forecast()).


A named list of scoring functions. Names will be used as column names in the output. See get_metrics() for more information on the default metrics used. See the Customising metrics section below for information on how to pass custom arguments to scoring functions.


Currently unused. You cannot pass additional arguments to scoring functions via .... See the Customising metrics section below for details on how to use purrr::partial() to pass arguments to individual metrics.


Customising metrics

If you want to pass arguments to a scoring function, you need change the scoring function itself via e.g. purrr::partial() and pass an updated list of functions with your custom metric to the metrics argument in score(). For example, to use interval_coverage() with interval_range = 90, you would define a new function, e.g. interval_coverage_90 <- purrr::partial(interval_coverage, interval_range = 90) and pass this new function to metrics in score().

Note that if you want to pass a variable as an argument, you can unquote it with ⁠!!⁠ to make sure the value is evaluated only once when the function is created. Consider the following example:

custom_arg <- "foo"
print1 <- purrr::partial(print, x = custom_arg)
print2 <- purrr::partial(print, x = !!custom_arg)

custom_arg <- "bar"
print1() # prints 'bar'
print2() # prints 'foo'


An object of class scores. This object is a data.table with unsummarised scores (one score per forecast) and has an additional attribute metrics with the names of the metrics used for scoring. See summarise_scores()) for information on how to summarise scores.

Forecast types and input formats

Various different forecast types / forecast formats are supported. At the moment, those are:

  • point forecasts

  • binary forecasts ("soft binary classification")

  • nominal forecasts ("soft classification with multiple unordered classes")

  • Probabilistic forecasts in a quantile-based format (a forecast is represented as a set of predictive quantiles)

  • Probabilistic forecasts in a sample-based format (a forecast is represented as a set of predictive samples)

Forecast types are determined based on the columns present in the input data. Here is an overview of the required format for each forecast type:


All forecast types require a data.frame or similar with columns observed predicted, and model.

Point forecasts require a column observed of type numeric and a column predicted of type numeric.

Binary forecasts require a column observed of type factor with exactly two levels and a column predicted of type numeric with probabilities, corresponding to the probability that observed is equal to the second factor level. See details here for more information.

Nominal forecasts require a column observed of type factor with N levels, (where N is the number of possible outcomes), a column predicted of type numeric with probabilities (which sum to one across all possible outcomes), and a column predicted_label of type factor with N levels, denoting the outcome for which a probability is given. Forecasts must be complete, i.e. there must be a probability assigned to every possible outcome.

Quantile-based forecasts require a column observed of type numeric, a column predicted of type numeric, and a column quantile_level of type numeric with quantile-levels (between 0 and 1).

Sample-based forecasts require a column observed of type numeric, a column predicted of type numeric, and a column sample_id of type numeric with sample indices.

For more information see the vignettes and the example data (example_quantile, example_sample_continuous, example_sample_discrete, example_point(), example_binary, and example_nominal).

Forecast unit

In order to score forecasts, scoringutils needs to know which of the rows of the data belong together and jointly form a single forecasts. This is easy e.g. for point forecast, where there is one row per forecast. For quantile or sample-based forecasts, however, there are multiple rows that belong to a single forecast.

The forecast unit or unit of a single forecast is then described by the combination of columns that uniquely identify a single forecast. For example, we could have forecasts made by different models in various locations at different time points, each for several weeks into the future. The forecast unit could then be described as forecast_unit = c("model", "location", "forecast_date", "forecast_horizon"). scoringutils automatically tries to determine the unit of a single forecast. It uses all existing columns for this, which means that no columns must be present that are unrelated to the forecast unit. As a very simplistic example, if you had an additional row, "even", that is one if the row number is even and zero otherwise, then this would mess up scoring as scoringutils then thinks that this column was relevant in defining the forecast unit.

In order to avoid issues, we recommend setting the forecast unit explicitly, usually through the forecast_unit argument in the as_forecast() functions. This will drop unneeded columns, while making sure that all necessary, 'protected columns' like "predicted" or "observed" are retained.


Nikos Bosse [email protected]


Bosse NI, Gruson H, Cori A, van Leeuwen E, Funk S, Abbott S (2022) Evaluating Forecasts with scoringutils in R. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2205.07090


library(magrittr) # pipe operator

validated <- as_forecast_quantile(example_quantile)
score(validated) %>%
  summarise_scores(by = c("model", "target_type"))

# set forecast unit manually (to avoid issues with scoringutils trying to
# determine the forecast unit automatically)
example_quantile %>%
    forecast_unit = c(
      "location", "target_end_date", "target_type", "horizon", "model"
  ) %>%

# forecast formats with different metrics
## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Metrics for binary outcomes


Brier score

The Brier Score is the mean squared error between the probabilistic prediction and the observed outcome. The Brier score is a proper scoring rule. Small values are better (best is 0, the worst is 1).

Brier_Score=(predictionoutcome)2,\textrm{Brier\_Score} = (\textrm{prediction} - \textrm{outcome})^2,

where outcome{0,1}\textrm{outcome} \in \{0, 1\}, and prediction[0,1]\textrm{prediction} \in [0, 1] represents the probability that the outcome is equal to 1.

Log score for binary outcomes

The Log Score is the negative logarithm of the probability assigned to the observed value. It is a proper scoring rule. Small values are better (best is zero, worst is infinity).


brier_score(observed, predicted)

logs_binary(observed, predicted)



A factor of length n with exactly two levels, holding the observed values. The highest factor level is assumed to be the reference level. This means that predicted represents the probability that the observed value is equal to the highest factor level.


A numeric vector of length n, holding probabilities. Values represent the probability that the corresponding outcome is equal to the highest level of the factor observed.


The functions require users to provide observed values as a factor in order to distinguish its input from the input format required for scoring point forecasts. Internally, however, factors will be converted to numeric values. A factor ⁠observed = factor(c(0, 1, 1, 0, 1)⁠ with two levels (0 and 1) would internally be coerced to a numeric vector (in this case this would result in the numeric vector c(1, 2, 2, 1, 1)). After subtracting 1, the resulting vector (c(0, 1, 1, 0) in this case) is used for internal calculations. All predictions are assumed represent the probability that the outcome is equal of the last/highest factor level (in this case that the outcome is equal to 1).

You could alternatively also provide a vector like observed = factor(c("a", "b", "b", "a")) (with two levels, a and b), which would result in exactly the same internal representation. Probabilities then represent the probability that the outcome is equal to "b". If you want your predictions to be probabilities that the outcome is "a", then you could of course make observed a factor with levels swapped, i.e. observed = factor(c("a", "b", "b", "a"), levels = c("b", "a"))


A numeric vector of size n with the Brier scores

A numeric vector of size n with log scores

Input format


See Also

Other log score functions: logs_nominal(), logs_sample()


observed <- factor(sample(c(0, 1), size = 30, replace = TRUE))
predicted <- runif(n = 30, min = 0, max = 1)

brier_score(observed, predicted)
logs_binary(observed, predicted)

Squared error of the mean (sample-based version)


Squared error of the mean calculated as

mean(observedmean prediction)2\textrm{mean}(\textrm{observed} - \textrm{mean prediction})^2

The mean prediction is calculated as the mean of the predictive samples.


se_mean_sample(observed, predicted)



A vector with observed values of size n


nxN matrix of predictive samples, n (number of rows) being the number of data points and N (number of columns) the number of Monte Carlo samples. Alternatively, predicted can just be a vector of size n.

Input format



observed <- rnorm(30, mean = 1:30)
predicted_values <- matrix(rnorm(30, mean = 1:30))
se_mean_sample(observed, predicted_values)

Select metrics from a list of functions


Helper function to return only the scoring rules selected by the user from a list of possible functions.


select_metrics(metrics, select = NULL, exclude = NULL)



A list of scoring functions.


A character vector of scoring rules to select from the list. If select is NULL (the default), all possible scoring rules are returned.


A character vector of scoring rules to exclude from the list. If select is not NULL, this argument is ignored.


A list of scoring functions.


  metrics = get_metrics(example_binary),
  select = "brier_score"
  metrics = get_metrics(example_binary),
  exclude = "log_score"

Set unit of a single forecast manually


Helper function to set the unit of a single forecast (i.e. the combination of columns that uniquely define a single forecast) manually. This simple function keeps the columns specified in forecast_unit (plus additional protected columns, e.g. for observed values, predictions or quantile levels) and removes duplicate rows. set_forecast_unit() will mainly be called when constructing a forecast object (see as_forecast()) via the forecast_unit argument there.

If not done explicitly, scoringutils attempts to determine the unit of a single forecast automatically by simply assuming that all column names are relevant to determine the forecast unit. This may lead to unexpected behaviour, so setting the forecast unit explicitly can help make the code easier to debug and easier to read.


set_forecast_unit(data, forecast_unit)



A data.frame (or similar) with predicted and observed values. See the details section of as_forecast() for additional information on required input formats.


Character vector with the names of the columns that uniquely identify a single forecast.


A data.table with only those columns kept that are relevant to scoring or denote the unit of a single forecast as specified by the user.


library(magrittr) # pipe operator
example_quantile %>%
    c("location", "target_end_date", "target_type", "horizon", "model")

Summarise scores as produced by score()


Summarise scores as produced by score().

summarise_scores relies on a way to identify the names of the scores and distinguish them from columns that denote the unit of a single forecast. Internally, this is done via a stored attribute, metrics that stores the names of the scores. This means, however, that you need to be careful with renaming scores after they have been produced by score(). If you do, you also have to manually update the attribute by calling attr(scores, "metrics") <- new_names.


summarise_scores(scores, by = "model", fun = mean, ...)

summarize_scores(scores, by = "model", fun = mean, ...)



An object of class scores (a data.table with scores and an additional attribute metrics as produced by score()).


Character vector with column names to summarise scores by. Default is "model", i.e. scores are summarised by the "model" column.


A function used for summarising scores. Default is mean().


Additional parameters that can be passed to the summary function provided to fun. For more information see the documentation of the respective function.


A data.table with summarised scores. Scores are summarised according to the names of the columns of the original data specified in by using the fun passed to summarise_scores().


library(magrittr) # pipe operator
scores <- example_sample_continuous %>%
 as_forecast_sample() %>%

# get scores by model
summarise_scores(scores, by = "model")

# get scores by model and target type
summarise_scores(scores, by = c("model", "target_type"))

# get standard deviation
summarise_scores(scores, by = "model", fun = sd)

# round digits
summarise_scores(scores, by = "model") %>%
  summarise_scores(fun = signif, digits = 2)

Test whether column names are NOT present in a data.frame


The function checks whether all column names are NOT present. If none of the columns are present, the function returns TRUE. If one or more columns are present, the function returns FALSE.


test_columns_not_present(data, columns)



A data.frame or similar to be checked


A character vector of column names to check


Returns TRUE if none of the columns are present and FALSE otherwise

Test whether all column names are present in a data.frame


The function checks whether all column names are present. If one or more columns are missing, the function returns FALSE. If all columns are present, the function returns TRUE.


test_columns_present(data, columns)



A data.frame or similar to be checked


A character vector of column names to check


Returns TRUE if all columns are present and FALSE otherwise

Scoringutils ggplot2 theme


A theme for ggplot2 plots used in scoringutils.




A ggplot2 theme

Transform forecasts and observed values


Function to transform forecasts and observed values before scoring.


  fun = log_shift,
  append = TRUE,
  label = "log",



A forecast object (a validated data.table with predicted and observed values, see as_forecast()).


A function used to transform both observed values and predictions. The default function is log_shift(), a custom function that is essentially the same as log(), but has an additional arguments (offset) that allows you add an offset before applying the logarithm. This is often helpful as the natural log transformation is not defined at zero. A common, and pragmatic solution, is to add a small offset to the data before applying the log transformation. In our work we have often used an offset of 1 but the precise value will depend on your application.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Whether or not to append a transformed version of the data to the currently existing data (TRUE). If selected, the data gets transformed and appended to the existing data, making it possible to use the outcome directly in score(). An additional column, 'scale', gets created that denotes which rows or untransformed ('scale' has the value "natural") and which have been transformed ('scale' has the value passed to the argument label).


A string for the newly created 'scale' column to denote the newly transformed values. Only relevant if append = TRUE.


Additional parameters to pass to the function you supplied. For the default option of log_shift() this could be the offset argument.


There are a few reasons, depending on the circumstances, for why this might be desirable (check out the linked reference for more info). In epidemiology, for example, it may be useful to log-transform incidence counts before evaluating forecasts using scores such as the weighted interval score (WIS) or the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS). Log-transforming forecasts and observations changes the interpretation of the score from a measure of absolute distance between forecast and observation to a score that evaluates a forecast of the exponential growth rate. Another motivation can be to apply a variance-stabilising transformation or to standardise incidence counts by population.

Note that if you want to apply a transformation, it is important to transform the forecasts and observations and then apply the score. Applying a transformation after the score risks losing propriety of the proper scoring rule.


A forecast object with either a transformed version of the data, or one with both the untransformed and the transformed data. includes the original data as well as a transformation of the original data. There will be one additional column, ‘scale’, present which will be set to "natural" for the untransformed forecasts.


Nikos Bosse [email protected]


Transformation of forecasts for evaluating predictive performance in an epidemiological context Nikos I. Bosse, Sam Abbott, Anne Cori, Edwin van Leeuwen, Johannes Bracher, Sebastian Funk medRxiv 2023.01.23.23284722 doi:10.1101/2023.01.23.23284722


library(magrittr) # pipe operator

# transform forecasts using the natural logarithm
# negative values need to be handled (here by replacing them with 0)
example_quantile %>%
  .[, observed := ifelse(observed < 0, 0, observed)] %>%
  as_forecast_quantile() %>%
# Here we use the default function log_shift() which is essentially the same
# as log(), but has an additional arguments (offset) that allows you add an
# offset before applying the logarithm.
  transform_forecasts(append = FALSE) %>%

# alternatively, integrating the truncation in the transformation function:
example_quantile %>%
  as_forecast_quantile() %>%
   fun = function(x) {log_shift(pmax(0, x))}, append = FALSE
 ) %>%

# specifying an offset for the log transformation removes the
# warning caused by zeros in the data
example_quantile %>%
  as_forecast_quantile() %>%
  .[, observed := ifelse(observed < 0, 0, observed)] %>%
  transform_forecasts(offset = 1, append = FALSE) %>%

# adding square root transformed forecasts to the original ones
example_quantile %>%
  .[, observed := ifelse(observed < 0, 0, observed)] %>%
  as_forecast_quantile() %>%
  transform_forecasts(fun = sqrt, label = "sqrt") %>%
  score() %>%
  summarise_scores(by = c("model", "scale"))

# adding multiple transformations
example_quantile %>%
  as_forecast_quantile() %>%
  .[, observed := ifelse(observed < 0, 0, observed)] %>%
  transform_forecasts(fun = log_shift, offset = 1) %>%
  transform_forecasts(fun = sqrt, label = "sqrt") %>%

Validate metrics


This function validates whether the list of metrics is a list of valid functions.

The function is used in score() to make sure that all metrics are valid functions.





A named list with metrics. Every element should be a scoring function to be applied to the data.


A named list of metrics, with those filtered out that are not valid functions

Weighted interval score (WIS)


The WIS is a proper scoring rule used to evaluate forecasts in an interval- / quantile-based format. See Bracher et al. (2021). Smaller values are better.

As the name suggest the score assumes that a forecast comes in the form of one or multiple central prediction intervals. A prediction interval is characterised by a lower and an upper bound formed by a pair of predictive quantiles. For example, a 50% central prediction interval is formed by the 0.25 and 0.75 quantiles of the predictive distribution.

Interval score

The interval score (IS) is the sum of three components: overprediction, underprediction and dispersion. For a single prediction interval only one of the components is non-zero. If for a single prediction interval the observed value is below the lower bound, then the interval score is equal to the absolute difference between the lower bound and the observed value ("underprediction"). "Overprediction" is defined analogously. If the observed value falls within the bounds of the prediction interval, then the interval score is equal to the width of the prediction interval, i.e. the difference between the upper and lower bound. For a single interval, we therefore have:

IS=(upperlower)+2α(lowerobserved)1(observed<lower)+2α(observedupper)1(observed>upper)\textrm{IS} = (\textrm{upper} - \textrm{lower}) + \frac{2}{\alpha}(\textrm{lower} - \textrm{observed}) * \mathbf{1}(\textrm{observed} < \textrm{lower}) + \frac{2}{\alpha}(\textrm{observed} - \textrm{upper}) * \mathbf{1}(\textrm{observed} > \textrm{upper})

where 1()\mathbf{1}() is the indicator function and indicates how much is outside the prediction interval. α\alpha is the decimal value that indicates how much is outside the prediction interval. For a 90% prediction interval, for example, α\alpha is equal to 0.1. No specific distribution is assumed, but the interval formed by the quantiles has to be symmetric around the median (i.e you can't use the 0.1 quantile as the lower bound and the 0.7 quantile as the upper bound). Non-symmetric quantiles can be scored using the function quantile_score().

For a set of k=1,,Kk = 1, \dots, K prediction intervals and the median mm, we can compute a weighted interval score (WIS) as the sum of the interval scores for individual intervals:

WISα{0:K}(F,y)=1K+1/2×(w0×ym+k=1K{wk×ISαk(F,y)})\text{WIS}_{\alpha_{\{0:K\}}}(F, y) = \frac{1}{K + 1/2} \times \left(w_0 \times |y - m| + \sum_{k=1}^{K} \left\{ w_k \times \text{IS}_{\alpha_k}(F, y) \right\}\right)

The individual scores are usually weighted with wk=αk2w_k = \frac{\alpha_k}{2}. This weight ensures that for an increasing number of equally spaced quantiles, the WIS converges to the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS).

Quantile score

In addition to the interval score, there also exists a quantile score (QS) (see quantile_score()), which is equal to the so-called pinball loss. The quantile score can be computed for a single quantile (whereas the interval score requires two quantiles that form an interval). However, the intuitive decomposition into overprediction, underprediction and dispersion does not exist for the quantile score.

Two versions of the weighted interval score

There are two ways to conceptualise the weighted interval score across several quantiles / prediction intervals and the median.

In one view, you would treat the WIS as the average of quantile scores (and the median as 0.5-quantile) (this is the default for wis()). In another view, you would treat the WIS as the average of several interval scores + the difference between the observed value and median forecast. The effect of that is that in contrast to the first view, the median has twice as much weight (because it is weighted like a prediction interval, rather than like a single quantile). Both are valid ways to conceptualise the WIS and you can control the behaviour with the count_median_twice-argument.

WIS components: WIS components can be computed individually using the functions overprediction, underprediction, and dispersion.


  separate_results = FALSE,
  weigh = TRUE,
  count_median_twice = FALSE,
  na.rm = FALSE

dispersion_quantile(observed, predicted, quantile_level, ...)

overprediction_quantile(observed, predicted, quantile_level, ...)

underprediction_quantile(observed, predicted, quantile_level, ...)



Numeric vector of size n with the observed values.


Numeric nxN matrix of predictive quantiles, n (number of rows) being the number of forecasts (corresponding to the number of observed values) and N (number of columns) the number of quantiles per forecast. If observed is just a single number, then predicted can just be a vector of size N.


Vector of of size N with the quantile levels for which predictions were made.


Logical. If TRUE (default is FALSE), then the separate parts of the interval score (dispersion penalty, penalties for over- and under-prediction get returned as separate elements of a list). If you want a data.frame instead, simply call on the output.


Logical. If TRUE (the default), weigh the score by α/2\alpha / 2, so it can be averaged into an interval score that, in the limit (for an increasing number of equally spaced quantiles/prediction intervals), corresponds to the CRPS. α\alpha is the value that corresponds to the (α/2\alpha/2) or (1α/21 - \alpha/2), i.e. it is the decimal value that represents how much is outside a central prediction interval (E.g. for a 90 percent central prediction interval, alpha is 0.1).


If TRUE, count the median twice in the score.


If TRUE, ignore NA values when computing the score.


Additional arguments passed on to wis() from functions overprediction_quantile(), underprediction_quantile() and dispersion_quantile().


wis(): a numeric vector with WIS values of size n (one per observation), or a list with separate entries if separate_results is TRUE.

dispersion_quantile(): a numeric vector with dispersion values (one per observation).

overprediction_quantile(): a numeric vector with overprediction values (one per observation).

underprediction_quantile(): a numeric vector with underprediction values (one per observation)

Input format



Evaluating epidemic forecasts in an interval format, Johannes Bracher, Evan L. Ray, Tilmann Gneiting and Nicholas G. Reich, 2021,


observed <- c(1, -15, 22)
predicted <- rbind(
  c(-1, 0, 1, 2, 3),
  c(-2, 1, 2, 2, 4),
  c(-2, 0, 3, 3, 4)
quantile_level <- c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9)
wis(observed, predicted, quantile_level)