--- title: "Deprecated functions" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Deprecated functions} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` This Vignette provides a small collection of functions that have been deprecated in `scoringutils`. These functions are no longer, but may still prove useful or illustrative. # `merge_pred_and_obs()` `scoringutils` requires that both forecasts and observations are provided in a single data frame. If you have forecasts and observations in two different data frames, `merge_pred_and_obs()` may help you to merge the two. The function is mostly a wrapper around `merge()`, but does some additional work to deal with duplicated column names. ```{r} #' @title Merge forecast data and observations #' #' @description #' #' The function more or less provides a wrapper around `merge` that #' aims to handle the merging well if additional columns are present #' in one or both data sets. If in doubt, you should probably merge the #' data sets manually. #' #' @param forecasts A data.frame with the forecast data (as can be passed to #' [score()]). #' @param observations A data.frame with the observations. #' @param join Character, one of `c("left", "full", "right")`. Determines the #' type of the join. Usually, a left join is appropriate, but sometimes you #' may want to do a full join to keep dates for which there is a forecast, but #' no ground truth data. #' @param by Character vector that denotes the columns by which to merge. Any #' value that is not a column in observations will be removed. #' @return a data.table with forecasts and observations #' @importFrom checkmate assert_subset #' @importFrom data.table as.data.table #' @keywords data-handling #' @export merge_pred_and_obs <- function(forecasts, observations, join = c("left", "full", "right"), by = NULL) { forecasts <- as.data.table(forecasts) observations <- as.data.table(observations) join <- match.arg(join) assert_subset(by, intersect(names(forecasts), names(observations))) if (is.null(by)) { protected_columns <- c( "predicted", "observed", "sample_id", "quantile_level", "interval_range", "boundary" ) by <- setdiff(colnames(forecasts), protected_columns) } obs_cols <- colnames(observations) by <- intersect(by, obs_cols) join <- match.arg(join) if (join == "left") { # do a left_join, where all data in the observations are kept. combined <- merge(observations, forecasts, by = by, all.x = TRUE) } else if (join == "full") { # do a full, where all data is kept. combined <- merge(observations, forecasts, by = by, all = TRUE) } else { combined <- merge(observations, forecasts, by = by, all.y = TRUE) } # get colnames that are the same for x and y colnames <- colnames(combined) colnames_x <- colnames[endsWith(colnames, ".x")] colnames_y <- colnames[endsWith(colnames, ".y")] # extract basenames basenames_x <- sub(".x$", "", colnames_x) basenames_y <- sub(".y$", "", colnames_y) # see whether the column name as well as the content is the same content_x <- as.list(combined[, ..colnames_x]) content_y <- as.list(combined[, ..colnames_y]) overlapping <- (content_x %in% content_y) & (basenames_x == basenames_y) overlap_names <- colnames_x[overlapping] basenames_overlap <- sub(".x$", "", overlap_names) # delete overlapping columns if (length(basenames_overlap) > 0) { combined[, paste0(basenames_overlap, ".x") := NULL] combined[, paste0(basenames_overlap, ".y") := NULL] } return(combined[]) } ```