Package 'quantgen'

Title: Tools for generalized quantile modeling
Description: Tools for generalized quantile modeling: regularized quantile regression (with generalized lasso penalties and noncrossing constraints), cross-validation, quantile extrapolation, and quantile ensembles.
Authors: Ryan Tibshirani [aut, cre], Logan Brooks [aut]
Maintainer: Ryan Tibshirani <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.0.0
Built: 2024-12-08 06:16:58 UTC

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Coef function for quantile_ensemble object


Retrieve ensemble coefficients for estimating the conditional quantiles at given tau values.


## S3 method for class 'quantile_ensemble'
coef(object, ...)



The quantile_ensemble object.


Additional arguments (not used).

Coef function for quantile_genlasso object


Retrieve generalized lasso coefficients for estimating the conditional quantiles at specified tau or lambda values.


## S3 method for class 'quantile_genlasso'
coef(object, s = NULL, ...)



The quantile_genlasso object.


Vector of integers specifying the tau and lambda values to consider for coefficients; for each i in this vector, coefficients are returned at quantile level tau[i] and tuning parameter value lambda[i], according to the tau and lambda vectors stored in the given quantile_genlasso object obj. (Said differently, s specifies the columns of obj$beta to retrieve for the coefficients.) Default is NULL, which means that all tau and lambda values will be considered.


Additional arguments (not used).

Combine matrices into an array


Combine (say) p matrices, each of dimension n x r, into an n x p x r array.


combine_into_array(mat, ...)



First matrix to combine into an array. Alternatively, a list of matrices to combine into an array.


Additional matrices to combine into an array. These additional arguments will be ignored if mat is a list.

Cross-validation for quantile generalized lasso


Run cross-validation for the quantile generalized lasso on a tau by lambda grid. For each tau, the lambda value minimizing the cross-validation error is reported.


  lambda = NULL,
  nlambda = 30,
  lambda_min_ratio = 0.001,
  weights = NULL,
  nfolds = 5,
  train_test_inds = NULL,
  intercept = TRUE,
  standardize = TRUE,
  lb = -Inf,
  ub = Inf,
  noncross = FALSE,
  x0 = NULL,
  lp_solver = c("glpk", "gurobi"),
  time_limit = NULL,
  warm_starts = TRUE,
  params = list(),
  transform = NULL,
  inv_trans = NULL,
  jitter = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,
  sort = FALSE,
  iso = FALSE,
  nonneg = FALSE,
  round = FALSE



Number of cross-validation folds. Default is 5.


List of length two, with components named train and test. Each of train and test are themselves lists, of the same length; for each i, we will consider train[[i]] the indices (which index the rows of x and elements of y) to use for training, and test[[i]] as the indices to use for testing (validation). The validation error will then be summed up over all i. This allows for fine control of the "cross-validation" process (in quotes, because there need not be any crossing going on here). Default is NULL; if specified, takes priority over nfolds.


All arguments through verbose (except for nfolds and train_test_inds) are as in quantile_genlasso_grid and quantile_genlasso. Note that the noncross and x0 arguments are not passed to quantile_genlasso_grid for the calculation of cross-validation errors and optimal lambda values; they are only passed to quantile_genlasso for the final object that is fit to the full training set. Past verbose, the arguments are as in predict.quantile_genlasso, and control what happens with the predictions made on the validation sets.


A list with the following components:


A quantile_genlasso object obtained by fitting on the full training set, at all quantile levels and their corresponding optimal lambda values


Matrix of cross-validation errors (as measured by quantile loss), of dimension (number of tuning parameter values) x (number of quantile levels)


Vector of optimum lambda values, one per quantile level

tau, lambda

Vectors of tau and lambda values used

Cross-validation for quantile lasso


Run cross-validation for the quantile lasso on a tau by lambda grid. For each tau, the lambda value minimizing the cross-validation error is reported.


  lambda = NULL,
  nlambda = 30,
  lambda_min_ratio = 0.001,
  weights = NULL,
  no_pen_vars = c(),
  nfolds = 5,
  train_test_inds = NULL,
  intercept = TRUE,
  standardize = TRUE,
  lb = -Inf,
  ub = Inf,
  noncross = FALSE,
  x0 = NULL,
  lp_solver = c("glpk", "gurobi"),
  time_limit = NULL,
  warm_starts = TRUE,
  params = list(),
  transform = NULL,
  inv_trans = NULL,
  jitter = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,
  sort = FALSE,
  iso = FALSE,
  nonneg = FALSE,
  round = FALSE



Number of cross-validation folds. Default is 5.


List of length two, with components named train and test. Each of train and test are themselves lists, of the same length; for each i, we will consider train[[i]] the indices (which index the rows of x and elements of y) to use for training, and test[[i]] as the indices to use for testing (validation). The validation error will then be summed up over all i. This allows for fine control of the "cross-validation" process (in quotes, because there need not be any crossing going on here). Default is NULL; if specified, takes priority over nfolds.


All arguments through verbose (except for nfolds and train_test_inds) are as in quantile_lasso_grid and quantile_lasso. Note that the noncross and x0 arguments are not passed to quantile_lasso_grid for the calculation of cross-validation errors and optimal lambda values; they are only passed to quantile_lasso for the final object that is fit to the full training set. Past verbose, the arguments are as in predict.quantile_lasso, and control what happens with the predictions made on the validation sets. The associated predict function is just that for the cv_quantile_genlasso class.


A list with the following components:


A quantile_lasso object obtained by fitting on the full training set, at all quantile levels and their corresponding optimal lambda values


Matrix of cross-validation errors (as measured by quantile loss), of dimension (number of tuning parameter values) x (number of quantile levels)


Vector of optimum lambda values, one per quantile level

Difference matrix


Construct a difference operator, of a given order, for use in trend filtering penalties.


get_diff_mat(p, k)



Dimension (number of columns) of the difference matrix.


Order of the difference matrix.


A sparse matrix of dimension (p - k) x p.

Lambda max for quantile generalized lasso


Compute lambda max for a quantile generalized lasso problem.


get_lambda_max(x, y, d, weights = NULL, lp_solver = c("glpk", "gurobi"))


This is not exact, but should be close to the exact value of λ\lambda such that Dβ^=0D \hat\beta = 0 at the solution β^\hat\beta of the quantile generalized lasso problem. It is derived from the KKT conditions when τ=1/2\tau = 1/2.

Lambda sequence for quantile generalized lasso


Compute a lambda sequence for a quantile generalized lasso problem.


  weights = NULL,
  intercept = TRUE,
  standardize = TRUE,
  lp_solver = c("glpk", "gurobi"),
  transform = NULL


This function returns nlambda values log-spaced in between lambda_max, as computed by get_lambda_max, and lamdba_max * lambda_min_ratio. If d is not specified, we will set it equal to the identity (hence interpret the problem as a quantile lasso problem).

Convenience functions for log/exp mappings


Returns functions that map xlog(ax+b)x \mapsto \log(ax+b) and x(exp(x)b)/ax \mapsto (\exp(x)-b)/a. (These are inverses.)


log_pad(a = 1, b = 1)

exp_pad(a = 1, b = 1)

Convenience functions for logit/sigmoid mappings


Returns functions that map xlog(ax+b1ax+b)x \mapsto \log(\frac{ax+b}{1-ax+b}) and xexp(x)(1+b)ba(1+exp(x))x \mapsto \frac{\exp(x)(1+b)-b}{a(1+\exp(x))}. (These are inverses.)


logit_pad(a = 1, b = 0.01)

sigmd_pad(a = 1, b = 0.011)

Plot function for quantile_genlasso object


Plot the cross-validation error curves, for each quantile level, as functions of the tuning parameter value.


## S3 method for class 'cv_quantile_genlasso'
plot(x, legend_pos = "topleft", ...)



The cv_quantile_genlasso object.


Position for the legend; default is "topleft"; use NULL to suppress the legend.


Additional arguments (not used).

Predict function for cv_quantile_genlasso object


Predict the conditional quantiles at a new set of predictor variables, using the generalized lasso coefficients tuned by cross-validation.


## S3 method for class 'cv_quantile_genlasso'
  s = NULL,
  sort = FALSE,
  iso = FALSE,
  nonneg = FALSE,
  round = FALSE,


This just calls the predict function on the quantile_genlasso that is stored within the given cv_quantile_genlasso object.

Predict function for quantile_ensemble object


Predict the conditional quantiles at a new set of ensemble realizations, using the ensemble coefficients at given tau values.


## S3 method for class 'quantile_ensemble'
  s = NULL,
  sort = TRUE,
  iso = FALSE,
  nonneg = FALSE,
  round = FALSE,



The quantile_ensemble object.


Array of new predicted quantiles, of dimension (number of new prediction points) x (number or ensemble components) x (number of quantile levels).


Should the returned quantile estimates be sorted? Default is TRUE.


Should the returned quantile estimates be passed through isotonic regression? Default is FALSE; if TRUE, takes priority over sort.


Should the returned quantile estimates be truncated at 0? Natural for count data. Default is FALSE.


Should the returned quantile estimates be rounded? Natural for count data. Default is FALSE.


Additional arguments (not used).

Predict function for quantile_genlasso object


Predict the conditional quantiles at a new set of predictor variables, using the generalized lasso coefficients at specified tau or lambda values.


## S3 method for class 'quantile_genlasso'
  s = NULL,
  sort = FALSE,
  iso = FALSE,
  nonneg = FALSE,
  round = FALSE,



The quantile_genlasso object.


Matrix of new predictor variables at which predictions should be made.


Vector of integers specifying the tau and lambda values to consider for predictions; for each i in this vector, predictions are made at quantile level tau[i] and tuning parameter value lambda[i], according to the tau and lambda vectors stored in the given quantile_genlasso object obj. (Said differently, s specifies the columns of object$beta to use for the predictions.) Default is NULL, which means that all tau and lambda values will be considered.


Should the returned quantile estimates be sorted? Default is FALSE. Note: this option only makes sense if the values in the stored tau vector are distinct, and sorted in increasing order.


Should the returned quantile estimates be passed through isotonic regression? Default is FALSE; if TRUE, takes priority over sort. Note: this option only makes sense if the values in the stored tau vector are distinct, and sorted in increasing order.


Should the returned quantile estimates be truncated at 0? Natural for count data. Default is FALSE.


Should the returned quantile estimates be rounded? Natural for count data. Default is FALSE.


Additional arguments (not used).

Predict function for quantile_genlasso_grid object


Predict the conditional quantiles at a new set of predictor variables, using the generalized lasso coefficients at given tau or lambda values.


## S3 method for class 'quantile_genlasso_grid'
  sort = FALSE,
  iso = FALSE,
  nonneg = FALSE,
  round = FALSE,


This function operates as in the predict.quantile_genlasso function for a quantile_genlasso object, but with a few key differences. First, the output is reformatted so that it is an array of dimension (number of prediction points) x (number of tuning parameter values) x (number of quantile levels). This output is generated from the full set of tau and lambda pairs stored in the given quantile_genlasso_grid object obj (selecting a subset is disallowed). Second, the arguments sort and iso operate on the appropriate slices of this array: for a fixed lambda value, we sort or run isotonic regression across all tau values.

quantgen: Tools for generalized quantile modeling


This package provides tools for generalized quantile modeling: regularized quantile regression (with generalized lasso penalties and noncrossing constraints), cross-validation, quantile extrapolation, and quantile ensembles.


We recommend the "getting started" and other vignettes, provided online:

Quantile ensemble


Fit ensemble weights, given a set of quantile predictions.


  weights = NULL,
  tau_groups = rep(1, length(tau)),
  intercept = FALSE,
  nonneg = TRUE,
  unit_sum = TRUE,
  noncross = TRUE,
  q0 = NULL,
  lp_solver = c("glpk", "gurobi"),
  time_limit = NULL,
  params = list(),
  verbose = FALSE



Array of predicted quantiles, of dimension (number of prediction points) x (number or ensemble components) x (number of quantile levels).


Vector of responses (whose quantiles are being predicted by qarr).


Vector of quantile levels at which predictions are made. Assumed to be distinct, and sorted in increasing order.


Vector of observation weights (to be used in the loss function). Default is NULL, which is interpreted as a weight of 1 for each observation.


Vector of group labels, having the same length as tau. Common labels indicate that the ensemble weights for the corresponding quantile levels should be tied together. Default is rep(1,length(tau)), which means that a common set of ensemble weights should be used across all levels. See details.


Should an intercept be included in the ensemble model? Default is FALSE.


Should the ensemble weights be constrained to be nonnegative? Default is TRUE.


Should the ensemble weights be constrained to sum to 1? Default is TRUE.


Should noncrossing constraints be enforced? Default is TRUE. Note: this option only matters when there is more than group of ensemble weights, as determined by tau_groups. See details.


Array of points used to define the noncrossing constraints. Must have dimension (number of points) x (number of ensemble components) x (number of quantile levels). Default is NULL, which means that we consider noncrossing constraints at the training points qarr.


One of "glpk" or "gurobi", indicating which LP solver to use. If possible, "gurobi" should be used because it is much faster and more stable; default is "glpk"; however, because it is open-source.


This sets the maximum amount of time (in seconds) to allow Gurobi or GLPK to solve any single quantile generalized lasso problem (for a single tau and lambda value). Default is NULL, which means unlimited time.


List of control parameters to pass to Gurobi or GLPK. Default is list() which means no additional parameters are passed. For example: with Gurobi, we can use list(Threads=4) to specify that Gurobi should use 4 threads when available. (Note that if a time limit is specified through this params list, then its value will be overriden by the last argument time_limit, assuming the latter is not NULL.)


Should progress be printed out to the console? Default is FALSE.


This function solves the following quantile ensemble optimization problem, over quantile levels τk,k=1,,r\tau_k, k=1,\ldots,r:

minimizeαj,j=1,,p  k=1ri=1nwiψτk(yij=1pαjqijk)\mathop{\mathrm{minimize}}_{\alpha_j, j=1,\ldots,p} \; \sum_{k=1}^r \sum_{i=1}^n w_i \psi_{\tau_k} \bigg(y_i - \sum_{j=1}^p \alpha_j q_{ijk} \bigg)

subject  to    j=1pαj=1,  αj0,  j=1,,p\mathrm{subject \; to} \;\; \sum_{j=1}^p \alpha_j = 1, \; \alpha_j \geq 0, \; j=1,\ldots,p

for a response vector yy and quantile array qq, where qijkq_{ijk} is an estimate of the quantile of yiy_i at the level τk\tau_k, from ensemble component member jj. Here ψτ(v)=max{τv,(τ1)v}\psi_\tau(v) = \max\{\tau v, (\tau-1) v\} is the "pinball" or "tilted 1\ell_1" loss. A more advanced version allows us to estimate a separate ensemble weight αjk\alpha_{jk} per component method jj, per quantile level kk:

minimizeαjk,j=1,,p,k=1,,r  k=1ri=1nwiψτk(yij=1pαjkqijk)\mathop{\mathrm{minimize}}{\alpha_{jk}, j=1,\ldots,p, k=1,\ldots,r} \; \sum_{k=1}^r \sum_{i=1}^n w_i \psi_{\tau_k} \bigg(y_i - \sum_{j=1}^p \alpha_{jk} q_{ijk} \bigg)

subject  to    j=1pαjk=1,  k=1,,r,  αjk0,  j=1,,p,  k=1,,r\mathrm{subject \; to} \;\; \sum_{j=1}^p \alpha_{jk} = 1, \; k=1,\ldots,r, \; \alpha_{jk} \geq 0, \; j=1,\ldots,p, \; k=1,\ldots,r

As a form of regularization, we can additionally incorporate noncrossing constraints into the above optimization, which take the form:

α,kTqα,k+1Tq,  k=1,,r1,  qQ\alpha_{\bullet,k}^T q \leq \alpha_{\bullet,k+1}^T q, \; k=1,\ldots,r-1, \; q \in \mathcal{Q}

where the quantile levels τk,k=1,,r\tau_k, k=1,\ldots,r are assumed to be in increasing order, and Q\mathcal{Q} is a collection of points over which to enforce the noncrossing constraints. Finally, somewhere in between these two extremes is to allow one ensemble weight per component member jj, per quantile group gg. This can be interpreted as a set of further constraints which enforce equality between αjk\alpha_{jk} and αj\alpha_{j\ell}, for all k,k,\ell that are in the same group gg.


A list with the following components:


Vector or matrix of ensemble weights. If tau_groups has only one unique label, then this is a vector of length = (number of ensemble components); otherwise, it is a matrix, of dimension (number of ensemble components) x (number of quantile levels)


Vector of quantile levels used

weights, tau_groups, ..., params

Values of these other arguments used in the function call

Quantile extrapolater


Extrapolate a set of quantiles at new quantile levels: parametric in the tails, nonparametric in the middle.


  tau_out = c(0.01, 0.025, seq(0.05, 0.95, by = 0.05), 0.975, 0.99),
  sort = TRUE,
  iso = FALSE,
  nonneg = FALSE,
  round = FALSE,
  qfun_left = qnorm,
  qfun_right = qnorm,
  n_tau_left = 1,
  n_tau_right = 1,
  middle = c("cubic", "linear"),
  param0 = NULL,
  param1 = NULL,
  grid_size = 1000,
  tol = 0.01,
  max_iter = 10



Vector of quantile levels. Assumed to be distinct, and sorted in increasing order.


Vector or matrix quantiles; if a matrix, each row is a separate set of quantiles, at the same (common) quantile levels, given by tau.


Vector of quantile levels at which to perform extrapolation. Default is a sequence of 23 quantile levels from 0.01 to 0.99.


Should the returned quantile estimates be sorted? Default is TRUE.


Should the returned quantile estimates be passed through isotonic regression? Default is FALSE; if TRUE, takes priority over sort.


Should the returned quantile estimates be truncated at 0? Natural for count data. Default is FALSE.


Should the returned quantile estimates be rounded? Natural for count data. Default is FALSE.

qfun_left, qfun_right

Quantile functions on which to base extrapolation in the left and right tails, respectively; each must be a function whose first two arguments are a quantile level and a distribution parameter (such as a mean parameter); these are assumed to be vectorized in the first argument when the second argument is fixed, and also vectorized in the second argument when the first argument is fixed. Default is qnorm. See details for further explanation.

n_tau_left, n_tau_right

Integers between 1 and the length of tau, indicating how many elements quantile levels from the left and right ends, respectively, to use in defining the tails. For example, if n_tau_left=1, the default, then only the leftmost quantile is used for the left tail extrapolation; if n_tau_left=2, then the two leftmost quantiles are used, etc; and similarly for n_tau_right. See details for further explanation.


One of "cubic" or "linear", indicating the interpolation method to use in the middle (outside of the tails, as determined by n_tau_left and n_tau_right). If "cubic", the default, then a monotone cubic spline interpolant is fit to the given quantiles, and used to estimate quantiles in the middle. If "linear", then linear interpolation is used to estimate quantiles in the middle.

param0, param1, grid_size, tol, max_iter

Arguments for the algorithm used for parameter-fitting for tail extrapolation. See details.


This function interpolates/extrapolates an initial sparser set of quantiles, say q1,,qmq_1,\ldots,q_m at the levels τ1<<τm\tau_1 < \ldots < \tau_m into a denser set of quantiles, say q1,,qnq_1^*,\ldots,q^*_n at the levels τ1<<τn\tau^*_1 < \ldots < \tau^*_n. At a high-level, the strategy is to nonparametrically interpolate the quantiles whose levels fall in the interval [τ1,τm][\tau_1, \tau_m], and parametrically extrapolate the quantiles whose levels fall in [0,τ1)[0, \tau_1) or (τm,1](\tau_m, 1]. Let us call these the "middle" and "tail" strategies, respectively.

To give more details on the middle strategy: a monotone spline interpolant—either a cubic spline (if middle="cubic") or linear spline interpolant (if middle="linear")—is fit to the points

(τi,qi),  i=1,,m.(\tau_i,q_i), \; i=1,\ldots,m.

Denoting ff by this interpolant, we then set

qi=f(τi),    τi[τ1,τm].q^*_i = f(\tau^*_i), \;\; \tau^*_i \in [\tau_1, \tau_m].

To give more details on the tail strategy: in each tail, left and right, the user specifies a tail function q(τ;θ)q(\tau; \theta) which depends on a parameter θ\theta. This is done via the functions qfun_left and qfun_right; the default is qnorm for both, in which case θ\theta represents the mean of the normal distribution (and the standard deviation is fixed at 1, as per the default in qnorm). Given this tail function, we then find the parameter value θ^\hat\theta that best matches the given quantile, and use this for extrapolation. That is, for the left tail, we first fit θ^\hat\theta such that

q(τ1;θ^)q1q(\tau_1; \hat\theta) \approx q_1

and we then set

qi=q(τi;θ^),    τi<τ1.q^*_i = q(\tau^*_i; \hat\theta), \;\; \tau^*_i < \tau_1.

The right tail is similar.

The fitting algorithm used for determining θ^\hat\theta in each tail is a kind of iterative grid search that proceeds in "rounds". The arguments param0,param1 give the left and right endpoints of the initial interval used in the first round of the search—this interval typically contracts as the rounds proceed, but can also expand as needed; the argument grid_size is the number of grid points to consider in each round; the argument tol is the error tolerance for stopping; and the argument max_iter is the maximum number of rounds to consider. This fitting algorithm is robust to the case when the optimal parameter value that matches the given quantile, as per the above display, is not unqiue; in this case we take the mean of the range of optimal parameter values.

Finally, when the arguments n_tau_left and n_tau_right are changed from their defaults, then this changes the definition of the "middle" and the "tail" ranges, but otherwise the analogous strategies are employed. In fact, the middle strategy is unchanged, just applied to a different range. The tail strategy is similar, but now in each tail, left and right, we fit a separate parameter value θ^\hat\theta for each given quantile level in the tail range (for example, for each of the two leftmost quantile levels if ntau_left=2), and then take the mean of these parameters as a single parameter value on which to base tail extrapolation.


A matrix of dimension (number of rows in qvals) x (length of tau_out), where each row is the extrapolation of the set of quantiles in the corresponding row of qvals, at the quantile levels specified in tau_out.

Quantile generalized lasso


Compute quantile generalized lasso solutions.


  weights = NULL,
  intercept = TRUE,
  standardize = TRUE,
  lb = -Inf,
  ub = Inf,
  noncross = FALSE,
  x0 = NULL,
  lp_solver = c("glpk", "gurobi"),
  time_limit = NULL,
  warm_starts = TRUE,
  params = list(),
  transform = NULL,
  inv_trans = NULL,
  jitter = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE



Matrix of predictors. If sparse, then passing it an appropriate sparse Matrix class can greatly help optimization.


Vector of responses.


Matrix defining the generalized lasso penalty; see details. If sparse, then passing it an appropriate sparse Matrix class can greatly help optimization. A convenience function get_diff_mat for constructing trend filtering penalties is provided.

tau, lambda

Vectors of quantile levels and tuning parameter values. If these are not of the same length, the shorter of the two is recycled so that they become the same length. Then, for each i, we solve a separate quantile generalized lasso problem at quantile level tau[i] and tuning parameter value lambda[i]. The most common use cases are: specifying one tau value and a sequence of lambda values; or specifying a sequence of tau values and one lambda value.


Vector of observation weights (to be used in the loss function). Default is NULL, which is interpreted as a weight of 1 for each observation.


Should an intercept be included in the regression model? Default is TRUE.


Should the predictors be standardized (to have unit variance) before fitting? Default is TRUE.

lb, ub

Lower and upper bounds, respectively, to place as constraints on the coefficients in the optimization problem. These can be constants (to place the same bound on each coefficient) or vectors of length equal to the number of predictors (to place a potentially different bound on each coefficient). Default is code-Inf and Inf for lb and ub, respectively, which effectively means no constraints are used. Two important notes: when intercept is TRUE, the constraints are *not* placed on the intercept; and when standardize is TRUE, the constraints are placed on the *standardized scale* (they are used in the optimization problem whose predictors have been standardized).


Should noncrossing constraints be applied? These force the estimated quantiles to be properly ordered across all quantile levels being considered. The default is FALSE. If TRUE, then noncrossing constraints are applied to the estimated quantiles at all points specified by the next argument x0. Note: this option only makes sense if the values in the tau vector are distinct, and sorted in increasing order.


Matrix of points used to define the noncrossing constraints. Default is NULL, which means that we consider noncrossing constraints at the training points x.


One of "glpk" or "gurobi", indicating which LP solver to use. If possible, "gurobi" should be used because it is much faster and more stable; default is "glpk"; however, because it is open-source.


This sets the maximum amount of time (in seconds) to allow Gurobi or GLPK to solve any single quantile generalized lasso problem (for a single tau and lambda value). Default is NULL, which means unlimited time.


Should warm starts be used in the LP solver (from one LP solve to the next)? Only supported for Gurobi.


List of control parameters to pass to Gurobi or GLPK. Default is list() which means no additional parameters are passed. For example: with Gurobi, we can use list(Threads=4) to specify that Gurobi should use 4 threads when available. (Note that if a time limit is specified through this params list, then its value will be overriden by the last argument time_limit, assuming the latter is not NULL.)

transform, inv_trans

The first is a function to transform y before solving the quantile generalized lasso; the second is the corresponding inverse transform. For example: for count data, we might want to model log(1+y) (which would be the transform, and the inverse transform would be exp(x)-1). Both transform and inv_trans should be vectorized. Convenience functions log_pad and exp_pad are provided (these are inverses), as well as logit_pad and sigmd_pad (these are inverses).


Function for applying random jitter to y, which might help optimization. For example: for count data, there can be lots of ties (with or without transformation of y), which can make optimization more difficult. The function jitter should take an integer n and return n random draws. A convenience function unif_jitter is provided.


Should progress be printed out to the console? Default is FALSE.


This function solves the quantile generalized lasso problem, for each pair of quantile level τ\tau and tuning parameter λ\lambda:

minimizeβ0,β  i=1nwiψτ(yiβ0xiTβ)+λDβ1\mathop{\mathrm{minimize}}_{\beta_0,\beta} \; \sum_{i=1}^n w_i \psi_\tau(y_i-\beta_0-x_i^T\beta) + \lambda \|D\beta\|_1

for a response vector yy with components yiy_i, predictor matrix XX with rows xix_i, and penalty matrix DD. Here ψτ(v)=max{τv,(τ1)v}\psi_\tau(v) = \max\{\tau v, (\tau-1) v\} is the "pinball" or "tilted 1\ell_1" loss. When noncrossing constraints are applied, we instead solve one big joint optimization, over all quantile levels and tuning parameter values:

minimizeβ0k,βk,k=1,,r  k=1r(i=1nwiψτk(yiβ0kxiTβk)+λkDβk1)\mathop{\mathrm{minimize}}_{\beta_{0k}, \beta_k, k=1,\ldots,r} \; \sum_{k=1}^r \bigg(\sum_{i=1}^n w_i \psi_{\tau_k}(y_i-\beta_{0k}- x_i^T\beta_k) + \lambda_k \|D\beta_k\|_1\bigg)

subject  to    β0k+xTβkβ0,k+1+xTβk+1    k=1,,r1,  xX\mathrm{subject \; to} \;\; \beta_{0k}+x^T\beta_k \leq \beta_{0,k+1}+x^T\beta_{k+1} \;\; k=1,\ldots,r-1, \; x \in \mathcal{X}

where the quantile levels τk,k=1,,r\tau_k, k=1,\ldots,r are assumed to be in increasing order, and X\mathcal{X} is a collection of points over which to enforce the noncrossing constraints.

Either problem is readily converted into a linear program (LP), and solved using either Gurobi (which is free for academic use, and generally fast) or GLPK (which free for everyone, but slower).


A list with the following components:


Matrix of generalized lasso coefficients, of dimension = (number of features + 1) x (number of quantile levels) assuming intercept=TRUE, else (number of features) x (number of quantile levels). Note

these coefficients will always be on the appropriate scale; they are always on the scale of original features, even if standardize=TRUE


Vector of status flags returned by Gurobi's or GLPK's LP solver, of length = (number of quantile levels)

tau, lambda

Vectors of tau and lambda values used

weights, intercept, ..., jitter

Values of these other arguments used in the function call


Ryan Tibshirani

Quantile generalized lasso on a tau by lambda grid


Convenience function for computing quantile generalized lasso solutions on a tau by lambda grid.


  lambda = NULL,
  nlambda = 30,
  lambda_min_ratio = 0.001,
  weights = NULL,
  intercept = TRUE,
  standardize = TRUE,
  lb = -Inf,
  ub = Inf,
  lp_solver = c("glpk", "gurobi"),
  time_limit = NULL,
  warm_starts = TRUE,
  params = list(),
  transform = NULL,
  inv_trans = NULL,
  jitter = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE



Number of lambda values to consider, for each quantile level. Default is 30.


Ratio of the minimum to maximum lambda value, for each quantile levels. Default is 1e-3.


This function forms a lambda vector either determined by the nlambda and lambda_min_ratio arguments, or the lambda argument; if the latter is specified, then it takes priority. Then, for each i and j, we solve a separate quantile generalized lasso problem at quantile level tau[i] and tuning parameter value lambda[j], using the quantile_genlasso function. All arguments (aside from nlambda and lambda_min_ratio) are as in the latter function; noncrossing constraints are disallowed.

Quantile generalized lasso objective


Compute generalized lasso objective for a single tau and lambda value.


quantile_genlasso_objective(x, y, d, beta, tau, lambda)

Quantile lasso


Compute quantile lasso solutions.


  weights = NULL,
  no_pen_vars = c(),
  intercept = TRUE,
  standardize = TRUE,
  lb = -Inf,
  ub = Inf,
  noncross = FALSE,
  x0 = NULL,
  lp_solver = c("glpk", "gurobi"),
  time_limit = NULL,
  warm_starts = TRUE,
  params = list(),
  transform = NULL,
  inv_trans = NULL,
  jitter = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE



Matrix of predictors. If sparse, then passing it an appropriate sparse Matrix class can greatly help optimization.


Vector of responses.

tau, lambda

Vectors of quantile levels and tuning parameter values. If these are not of the same length, the shorter of the two is recycled so that they become the same length. Then, for each i, we solve a separate quantile lasso problem at quantile level tau[i] and tuning parameter value lambda[i]. The most common use cases are: specifying one tau value and a sequence of lambda values; or specifying a sequence of tau values and one lambda value.


Vector of observation weights (to be used in the loss function). Default is NULL, which is interpreted as a weight of 1 for each observation.


Indices of the variables that should be excluded from the lasso penalty. Default is c(), which means that no variables are to be excluded.


This function solves the quantile lasso problem, for each pair of quantile level τ\tau and tuning parameter λ\lambda:

minimizeβ0,β  i=1nwiψτ(yiβ0xiTβ)+λβ1\mathop{\mathrm{minimize}}_{\beta_0,\beta} \; \sum_{i=1}^n w_i \psi_\tau(y_i-\beta_0-x_i^T\beta) + \lambda \|\beta\|_1

for a response vector yy with components yiy_i, and predictor matrix XX with rows xix_i. Here ψτ(v)=max{τv,(τ1)v}\psi_\tau(v) = \max\{\tau v, (\tau-1) v\} is the "pinball" or "tilted 1\ell_1" loss. When noncrossing constraints are applied, we instead solve one big joint optimization, over all quantile levels and tuning parameter values:

minimizeβ0k,βk,k=1,,r  k=1r(i=1nwiψτk(yiβ0kxiTβk)+λkβk1)\mathop{\mathrm{minimize}}_{\beta_{0k}, \beta_k, k=1,\ldots,r} \; \sum_{k=1}^r \bigg(\sum_{i=1}^n w_i \psi_{\tau_k}(y_i-\beta_{0k}- x_i^T\beta_k) + \lambda_k \|\beta_k\|_1\bigg)

subject  to    β0k+xTβkβ0,k+1+xTβk+1    k=1,,r1,  xX\mathrm{subject \; to} \;\; \beta_{0k}+x^T\beta_k \leq \beta_{0,k+1}+x^T\beta_{k+1} \;\; k=1,\ldots,r-1, \; x \in \mathcal{X}

where the quantile levels τj,j=1,,k\tau_j, j=1,\ldots,k are assumed to be in increasing order, and X\mathcal{X} is a collection of points over which to enforce the noncrossing constraints.

Either problem is readily converted into a linear program (LP), and solved using either Gurobi (which is free for academic use, and generally fast) or GLPK (which free for everyone, but slower).

All arguments not described above are as in the quantile_genlasso function. The associated coef and predict functions are just those for the quantile_genlasso class.


A list with the following components:


Matrix of lasso coefficients, of dimension = (number of features + 1) x (number of quantile levels) assuming intercept=TRUE, else (number of features) x (number of quantile levels). Note: these coefficients will always be on the appropriate scale; they are always on the scale of original features, even if standardize=TRUE


Vector of status flags returned by Gurobi's or GLPK's LP solver, of length = (number of quantile levels)

tau, lambda

Vectors of tau and lambda values used

weights, no_pen_vars, ..., jitter

Values of these other arguments used in the function call


Ryan Tibshirani

Quantile lasso on a tau by lambda grid


Convenience function for computing quantile lasso solutions on a tau by lambda grid.


  lambda = NULL,
  nlambda = 30,
  lambda_min_ratio = 0.001,
  weights = NULL,
  no_pen_vars = c(),
  intercept = TRUE,
  standardize = TRUE,
  lb = -Inf,
  ub = Inf,
  lp_solver = c("glpk", "gurobi"),
  time_limit = NULL,
  warm_starts = TRUE,
  params = list(),
  transform = NULL,
  inv_trans = NULL,
  jitter = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE



Number of lambda values to consider, for each quantile level. Default is 30.


Ratio of the minimum to maximum lambda value, for each quantile levels. Default is 1e-3.


This function forms a lambda vector either determined by the nlambda and lambda_min_ratio arguments, or the lambda argument; if the latter is specified, then it takes priority. Then, for each i and j, we solve a separate quantile lasso problem at quantile level tau[i] and tuning parameter value lambda[j], using the quantile_lasso function. All arguments (aside from nlambda and lambda_min_ratio) are as in the latter function; noncrossing constraints are disallowed. The associated predict function is just that for the quantile_genlasso_grid class.

Quantile lasso objective


Compute lasso objective for a single tau and lambda value.


quantile_lasso_objective(x, y, beta, tau, lambda)

Quantile loss


Compute the quantile (tilted absolute) loss for a single tau value.


quantile_loss(yhat, y, tau)

Refit function for cv_quantile_genlasso object


Refit generalized lasso solutions at a new set of quantile levels, given an existing cv_quantile_genlasso object.


  weights = NULL,
  intercept = NULL,
  standardize = NULL,
  lb = NULL,
  ub = NULL,
  noncross = FALSE,
  x0 = NULL,
  lp_solver = NULL,
  time_limit = NULL,
  warm_starts = NULL,
  params = NULL,
  transform = NULL,
  inv_trans = NULL,
  jitter = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE



The cv_quantile_genlasso object to start from.


Matrix of predictors.


Vector of responses.


Matrix defining the generalized lasso penalty.


Vector of new quantile levels at which to fit new solutions.


Should noncrossing constraints be applied? These force the estimated quantiles to be properly ordered across all quantile levels being considered. The default is FALSE. If TRUE, then noncrossing constraints are applied to the estimated quantiles at all points specified by the next argument x0. Note: this option only makes sense if the values in the tau vector are distinct, and sorted in increasing order.


Matrix of points used to define the noncrossing constraints. Default is NULL, which means that we consider noncrossing constraints at the training points x.


Should progress be printed out to the console? Default is FALSE.


This function simply infers, for each quantile level in tau_new, a (very) roughly-CV-optimal tuning parameter value, then calls quantile_genlasso at the new quantile levels and corresponding tuning parameter values. If not specified, the arguments weights, intercept, standardize, lb, ub, lp_solver, time_limit, warm_starts, params, transform, inv_transorm, jitter are all inherited from the given cv_quantile_genlasso object.


A quantile_genlasso object, with solutions at quantile levels tau_new.

Refit function for cv_quantile_lasso object


Refit lasso solutions at a new set of quantile levels, given an existing cv_quantile_lasso object.


  weights = NULL,
  no_pen_vars = NULL,
  intercept = NULL,
  standardize = NULL,
  lb = NULL,
  ub = NULL,
  noncross = FALSE,
  x0 = NULL,
  lp_solver = NULL,
  time_limit = NULL,
  warm_starts = NULL,
  params = NULL,
  transform = NULL,
  inv_trans = NULL,
  jitter = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE



The cv_quantile_lasso object to start from.


Matrix of predictors.


Vector of responses.


Vector of new quantile levels at which to fit new solutions.


Should noncrossing constraints be applied? These force the estimated quantiles to be properly ordered across all quantile levels being considered. The default is FALSE. If TRUE, then noncrossing constraints are applied to the estimated quantiles at all points specified by the next argument x0.


Matrix of points used to define the noncrossing constraints. Default is NULL, which means that we consider noncrossing constraints at the training points x.


Should progress be printed out to the console? Default is FALSE.


This function simply infers, for each quantile level in tau_new, a (very) roughly-CV-optimal tuning parameter value, then calls quantile_lasso at the new quantile levels and corresponding tuning parameter values. If not specified, the arguments weights, no_pen_vars, intercept, standardize, lp_solver, time_limit, warm_start, params, transform, inv_transorm, jitter are all inherited from the given cv_quantile_lasso object.


A quantile_lasso object, with solutions at quantile levels tau_new.

Convenience function for uniform jitter


Function to generate random draws from Unif[a,b]\mathrm{Unif}[a,b].


unif_jitter(a = 0, b = 0.01)